I've seen four dragon/damselflies* in two days in Dublin, yesterday and today! 😀
#ManorStreet / #Stoneybatter
Does anyone know, has it been an especially good year for them here, or something?
#DragonFlies #Damselflies #Dublin #MastoDaoine #Odonata #Entomology
[* They we're all large, so possibly dragon flies, but were flying past each time, so I couldn't really tell for sure.]
#beaumont #manorstreet #stoneybatter #cabra #rialto #dragonflies #damselflies #dublin #mastodaoine #odonata #entomology
Para el tercer #sabado de #agosto, claroscuro y colorido, la gente de #Rialto con una de sus mejores #canciones para escucharla a volumen y cantarlo con los pulmones.
Para o terceiro #sábado de #agosto, claro-escuro e colorido, o povo de #Rialto com uma das suas melhores #cançōes para ouvir bem alto e cantar a plenos pulmões.
#sabado #agosto #rialto #canciones #cancoes #myspotify #spotify #musica #britainrock #musicagloriosa #sonandoahora #atocaragora #rockbritanico #musicadesabado
#ULEZ work, and they work most for the poorest. Maybe we could try one in #Stoneybatter and one in #Rialto? (As I moved the last of my stuff from Rialto on the back of my bike, I cycled uphill and stopped to look back, and saw a haze of pollution hanging over it… and this is where we've put the #NationalChildrensHospital) https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/may/05/pollutionwatch-debunking-myths-low-emission-zones-health-air-pollution
#ULEZ #stoneybatter #rialto #nationalchildrenshospital
💡 Enable configuring #VAT on the purchase order line level – Have an idea for Ex Libris?
#Alma #Acquisitions #Rialto #budgets #Collections #books #ebooks #libraries
#vat #alma #acquisitions #rialto #budgets #collections #books #ebooks #libraries
...y que lleguen fuerzas progresistas (incluso el PSOE, que con un buen apoyo de fuerzas de izquierda hace políticas progresistas: #Botanic o #Rialto en Valencia) que defiendan los intereses DE TODOS y no de amiguetes.
Porque de nada sirve abstenerse y luego lamentarse de que te dejan sin médicos, transporte público o eso que te prometieron de #bajadadeimpuestos resulta que solo beneficia a los ricachones y tú pagas más...
#botanic #rialto #bajadadeimpuestos
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🎵 Monday Morning 5:19
Our next FREE #DumpDay is on 4/22 for #EarthDay2023 in #Bloomington. This event is held to further the goals of the #CleanCA initiative. Check out the flyer for more details. #CleanWaterCA #Colton #Rialto #Fontana #Ontario #SanBernardino #Riverside
#dumpday #earthday2023 #bloomington #cleanca #cleanwaterca #colton #rialto #fontana #ontario #sanbernardino #riverside
The 18th Annual #IGeLU Conference in #Leuven will start in 167 days.
Not too late to submit a proposal: https://proposalspace.com/calls/d/1523
#IGeLU2023 theme: #Libraries enabling #innovation
#Alma #Primo #PrimoVE #Summon #Rosetta #Rapido #RapidILL #Esploro #Rialto #CDI #LOD #APIs #Leganto #LibraryMobile #campusM #Analytics #discovery #LibrarySystems
#IGeLU #leuven #igelu2023 #libraries #innovation #alma #primo #primove #summon #rosetta #rapido #RapidILL #esploro #rialto #cdi #lod #apis #leganto #LibraryMobile #campusM #analytics #discovery #librarysystems
This Saturday March 25th from 12pm - 4pm we are celebrating #CleanCACommunityDays with our local partners at the Garcia Center for the Arts in the @cityofsbdo. You won't want to miss out!
#San Bernardino #Colton #Highland #Redlands #Rialto #Fontana #Riverside #GrandTerrace
#cleancacommunitydays #san #colton #highland #redlands #rialto #fontana #riverside #grandterrace
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🎵 Monday Morning 5:19
#District8 is kicking off our #CleanCACommunityDays by hosting a FREE Shredding Event tomorrow in the @Cityofsbdo. Take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of those personal documents safely. #CleanCA #Sanbernardino #Colton #Rialto #Redlands #Highland #Lomalinda
#district8 #cleancacommunitydays #cleanca #sanbernardino #colton #rialto #redlands #highland #lomalinda
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🎵 Monday Morning 5:19
Sea Stacks, #Rialto Beach, #Olympic #NationalPark
#silentsunday #rialto #olympic #nationalpark
There are plans for an edible garden, nature play and a cycle lane for St James’ Linear Park. It’s the next phase in developing the park along a skinny kilometre of the Luas Red Line from Basin View in the east to Suir Road Bridge in the west.
#dublin #ireland #rialto #park #cyclelanes
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🎵 Monday Morning 5:19
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #RadcliffeAndMaconie
🎵 Monday Morning 5.19
#nowplaying #bbc6music #RadcliffeAndMaconie #rialto
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #SteveLamacq
🎵 Monday Morning 5.19
#nowplaying #bbc6music #SteveLamacq #rialto
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🎵 Monday Morning 5:19
📢 Call for #IGeLU2023 #Conference and Developers' Day, 11-14 September, 2023 in #Leuven has been activated and is now ready. 😉
▶️ https://proposalspace.com/calls/d/1523
Proposals can be submitted for review from January 25.
#IGeLU #ExLibris #Clarivate #ProQuest #LibrarySystems #libraries #Alma #AlmaCZ #Primo #PrimoVE #Rapido #RapidILL #Summon #Esploro #Rialto #Rosetta #SFX #Aleph #Voyager #CDI #campusM #LibraryMobile #Leganto #Analytics #LinkedData #Interoperability
#rialto #rosetta #sfx #aleph #voyager #cdi #campusM #LibraryMobile #leganto #analytics #linkeddata #interoperability #igelu2023 #conference #leuven #IGeLU #exlibris #clarivate #ProQuest #librarysystems #libraries #alma #almacz #primo #primove #rapido #RapidILL #summon #esploro
Gustaf Wilhelm Palm - Venice, View of the Rialto Bridge; 1866
#ClassicArt #VintageArt #painting #Malerei #vintage #publicdomain #art #artwork #Kunst #SeeClassicArt #Europe #Europa #cityscape #city #architecture #Italy #Italia #Venice #Venezia #Venedig #Rialto
#classicart #vintageart #painting #malerei #vintage #publicdomain #art #artwork #kunst #seeclassicart #europe #europa #cityscape #city #architecture #italy #italia #venice #venezia #venedig #rialto