There is now abundant postfire flowering in the understory of this burnt forest.
Fire #Boca-de-Huergano (#Riaño, #León), 8/2022
Photos: Anemone nemorosa, Erythronium dens-canis, Narcissus triandrus, Gagea sp
@wildfirescience @botany @ecology #FireEcology #postfire #Botany
#IFBocadeHuérgano #IncendiosForestales #IIFF
#IIFF #incendiosforestales #ifbocadehuergano #botany #postfire #fireecology #leon #riano #boca
In #Spain it is not very common to have #fires of >1000 ha at 1500-1900 m altitude. An example from last summer is the fire at Boca-de-Huergano (#Riaño, #León). Much of the fire affected a young plantation of #Pinus #uncinata (not native to the area; not sure why it was planted!) and #Betula. Betula individuals are now #resprouting.
#postfire #fireecology #resprouting #betula #uncinata #pinus #leon #riano #fires #spain