Its like they haven't even seen (#)FrancisRichardConolly's Rich Man's Trick yet.
#richMansTrick #2014 #documentary #cocaCola #cOlGate #bIrdSeyE #standardOil #chevon
#richMansTrick #documentary #cocacola #colgate #birdsEye #standardoil #chevon
US and #UK #industrialists, in the form of the #weaponsIndustry and their enabler #politicians, who are desperate to #distract from their own shortcomings at home, appear to be repeating #history in eastern Europe.
This documentary should be viewed at your earliest convenience:
Its not short, nor easy viewing. But it is correct in all but one minor future prediction.
Pls watch — together we stop the cycle.
#uk #industrialists #weaponsIndustry #politicians #distract #history #richMansTrick #documentary #film
When #thePentagon cannot account for 21 trillion over the past 20 years, consider above #payForPlay scenarios.
Has everyone here seen #RichMansTrick (2014) yet? It provides insight into how some operate.
#thePentagon #payForPlay #richMansTrick
@dsfgs I saw your #RichMansTrick hashtag on a recent freeatlantis post. I found it very compelling when I saw it. The apparently tampered video in Dallas was the kicker for me, though my husband wonders why the flags on the car don't stop flying if the car stops.
Its one of the most informative #history documentaries out there.
Orig was at v=U1Qt6a-vaNM but was removed by #ScrewTube for 4-seconds of #FairUse copyrighted film use.
From what we can summise it only makes one mistake.
#history #ScrewTube #fairuse #richMansTrick #documentary #film
@seankearney@mastodon.social @glitchymatrix
They do this because if people, don't fully understand the past of #corporateState totalitarianism, as it relates to WWII then we are very likely to repeat it.
As we explained a while ago, the best history lesson on this topic that we've seen is #RichMansTrick.
A final story. In #Australia in 2007, we finally booted from office (via the ballot box) an #ideasMan, a person who was ready to get things done.
#corporateState #richMansTrick #australia #ideasMan
Have you seen #RichMansTrick. Its the greatest history lesson. Produced by a history teacher and released in 2014, #FrancisRichardConolly grounds his documentary in cold hard facts that scholars over the years tend to all settle on.
Was taken down for using a 5-second clip of a WWII film.
Its brilliant. There are torrents of it around, if you don't want to use the version someone reposted on YouTube.
#richMansTrick #FrancisRichardConolly
It documented in graphs that going off the gold standard completely in 1971 started extreme #corporatism. Wealth transfers to the #CEOs, productivity gains not leading to more leisure time etc.
In 1913, #TheFed was created and we had some pretty bad wars after that too.
Have you seen the #RichMansTrick documentary? Conolly traces things back to the #RobberBaron Era to the present. It's the best history lesson anyone could get.
#corporatism #CEOs #thefed #richMansTrick #RobberBaron
Very much agree.
Without a solid base in history you are left running in circles and chasing the next fad, history allows one to see trends in a more broader context.
Michael Parenti's video is good in providing a recent history of power relations and oppession, but to really stimulate a broader understanding and a passion for history we can't recommend enough, #JFKto911 – #RichMansTrick?
Have you seen it?
We haven't seen that one. Keanu does do some interesting stuff though. #TheMatrix of course is a classic.
Have you seen #FrancisRichardConolly's #RichMansTrick?
It's surprisingly difficult to find the correct version online these days. So many troll versions :(
#thematrix #FrancisRichardConolly #richMansTrick
Does anyone actually believe that no #military generals were involved in the wanton ritualistic murder of #Afghan people, a process described as "#blooding".
Will we ever know the full extent of the murderous #cult, given that 9 troops have reportedly committed suicide apparently.
Do we also believe that no #USA generals were involved?
#Afghanistan #warCrimes #NATODisband #opiumWars #concentrationFarms #lithiumWars #Bolivia #invasion #September11 #richMansTrick #refugeeFactory #ausMilitary
#military #afghan #blooding #cult #usa #afghanistan #warcrimes #NATODisband #opiumwars #concentrationFarms #lithiumWars #bolivia #invasion #September11 #richMansTrick #refugeeFactory #ausMilitary
We already explained, whyHashtag.
Here is #WashtingtonPost's #LizSly, laughing about #USmilitary lying to #Trump. She had a bashlash.
CORRECTION: "WhyBitcoin has a lot of sh*t to mop up."
Hopefully clarifications like this help to unpack what we mean by #coup.
Have you seen #RichMansTrick by any chance?
In terms of media lies and deception, add what they did to #JulianAssange to that list. <3
#WashtingtonPost #LizSly #USMilitary #coup #richMansTrick #julianassange #oilwars #syria #trump
Have you seen Francis Richard Conolly's answer to the question, "Why were my history classes so dry and boring?" (2014).
#richMansTrick #FrancisRichardConolly #history
Little known fact… after every #engineeredWar the troops have a #mentalHealth problem.
One of the biggest MentalHealth drives was after #WWII. Watch #RichMansTrick (2014) to see how and why #bankers in the #USA and #BankOfEngland helped start that #war.
Some might be having a crisis. Rather than #fauxPhilanthropy while destroying #whistleblowers and #journalists who exposed the sham, #JailTheWarCriminals.
#freeMoney #corporations #CIA #BushCrimeFamily #jeffreyEpsteinClass
#engineeredWar #mentalhealth #wwii #richMansTrick #bankers #usa #bankofengland #war #fauxPhilanthropy #whistleblowers #journalists #JailTheWarCriminals #FreeJulianAssange #freeMoney #corporations #cia #BushCrimeFamily #jeffreyEpsteinClass
Yawn. Google are the #fascists. Terrorism has always been partly or in whole, funded by US oligrchs and Google serve those oligarchs.
Learn your history.
Start with #MichaelParenti's War on Yugoslavia. If it hasn't been banned by Google like #RichMansTrick was.
@fedilab@toot.fedilab.app @nvsr
#fascists #MichaelParenti #richMansTrick
#InstitutionalRacism goes back a long way, as we all know.
This documentary highlights a number of ways in which #theWest have exploited #fear of #theOther to commit heinous #atrocities, even against their own people.
#slaveCamps #oilBarons #railways #cottonFields #russians #bolshevics #cuba #sugarPlantations #vietnam #racism #islamophobia #bankers #twoParadigmDebate #usVersusThem #badNeighbour #phonyWars #richMansTrick #skullAndBones #piracy
#InstitutionalRacism #theWest #fear #theOther #atrocities #slaveCamps #oilBarons #railways #cottonFields #russians #bolshevics #cuba #sugarPlantations #vietnam #racism #islamophobia #bankers #twoParadigmDebate #usVersusThem #badNeighbour #phonyWars #richMansTrick #skullandbones #piracy
As we all know, #InstitutionalRacism goes back a long way.
This documentary highlights a number of ways in which #theWest have exploited #fear of #theOther to commit heinous #atrocities.
#slaveCamps #oilBarons #railways #cottonFields #russians #bolshevics #cuba #sugarPlantations #vietnam #racism #islamophobia #bankers #twoParadigmDebate #usVersusThem #badNeighbour #phonyWars #richMansTrick #skullAndBones #piracy
#InstitutionalRacism #theWest #fear #theOther #atrocities #slaveCamps #oilBarons #railways #cottonFields #russians #bolshevics #cuba #sugarPlantations #vietnam #racism #islamophobia #bankers #twoParadigmDebate #usVersusThem #badNeighbour #phonyWars #richMansTrick #skullandbones #piracy