Mind blown. Just discovered that not only did author Richard Adams see action at Arnhem in #WWII, but that his experience & comrades partly inspired his best known work 'Watership Down'!
#books #ww2 #arnhem #watershipdown #richardadams #wwii
#HitchhikersGuide #DouglasAdams
#Shannara #MagicKingdom #TerryBrooks
#Inheritance #ChristopherPaolini
#ButcherBird #RichardKadrey
#TheExpanse #JamesSACorey
#RiteOfPassage #AlexeiPanshin
#LockeAndKey #JoeHill
#Saga #BrianKVaughan
#HisDarkMaterials #PhilipPullman
#1984 #GeorgeOrwell
#AWrinkleInTime #MadeleineLEngle
#StrangerInAStrangeLand #RobertHeinlein
#Fahrenheit451 #RayBradbury
#WatershipDown #RichardAdams
#hitchhikersguide #douglasadams #shannara #magickingdom #TerryBrooks #inheritance #ChristopherPaolini #butcherbird #richardkadrey #theexpanse #jamessacorey #riteofpassage #alexeipanshin #LockeAndKey #joehill #saga #briankvaughan #hisdarkmaterials #philippullman #georgeorwell #awrinkleintime #madeleinelengle #strangerinastrangeland #robertheinlein #fahrenheit451 #raybradbury #watershipdown #richardadams
The half-a-century-old book reads 'timeless classic' (my copy a quarter) at the cover that I take it to mean you can read it anytime, at any age. I don't mind a bunch of hopping bunnies at all and their predicaments are well-told. Epigraphs for each section show the book's age though; the edifying quotes would be scrapped now or a whole new set of sources they'd come from. Otherwise what's between the covers doesn't belie what it promises at the cover.
#watershipdown #richardadams #book
I've been watching the #Bookstodon posts, and seen lots of author lists which I could happily claim.
The only author I haven't seen so far is China Miéville. I only discovered him by accidentally grabbing a wrong book in an op-shop - but surely there are other people out there who enjoy his writing?
#bookstodon #chinamieville #stephendonaldson #isaacasimov #richardadams #ursulakleguin #douglasshofstadter #terrypratchett
A look at the location which inspired the Richard Adams book, "Watership Down" by Atlas Obscura.
#locations #books #watershipdown #richardadams #rabbits
Man, I wish the BBC folks had taken some risks with the visual style. You can't compete against Disney's LION KING remake photorealism on your budget (well, maybe somebody could, and they would do us low-budget folk proud), so you've GOT to make it your own thing, like that INTO THE SPIDERVERSE movie. (Then again, somebody changed Strawberry to a guy, so maybe nobody over there "got it".)
#WatershipDown #RichardAdams #FavoriteBooks
#watershipdown #richardadams #favoritebooks