67 years ago:
Moby Dick (US)
In 1841, young Ishmael signs up for service abroad the Pequod, a whaler sailing out of New Bedford. The ship is under the command of Captain Ahab, a strict disciplinarian who exhorts his men to find Moby Dick, the great white whale. Ahab lost his his leg to that creature and is desperate for revenge...
#MobyDick #JohnHuston #GregoryPeck #RichardBasehart #LeoGenn #Film
#mobydick #johnhuston #gregorypeck #richardbasehart #leogenn #film
72 years ago:
Fourteen Hours (US)
A young man, morally destroyed by his parents not loving him and by the fear of being not capable to make his girlfriend happy, rises on the ledge of a building with the intention of committing suicide. A policeman makes every effort to argue him out of it.
#FourteenHours #HenryHathaway #RichardBasehart #BarbaraBelGeddes #DebraPaget #DorothySpencer #WomenInFilm #20thCenturyFox #ClassicFilm
#fourteenhours #henryhathaway #richardbasehart #barbarabelgeddes #debrapaget #dorothyspencer #womeninfilm #20thcenturyfox #classicfilm
58 years ago:
The Satan Bug (US)
A US government germ warfare lab has had an accident. The first theory is that one of the germs has been released and killed several scientists. The big fear is that a more virulent strain, named The Satan Bug because all life can be killed off by it should it escape, may have been stolen.
#TheSatanBug #JohnSturges #GeorgeMaharis #RichardBasehart #AnneFrancis #SciFi #ClassicFilm
#thesatanbug #johnsturges #georgemaharis #richardbasehart #annefrancis #scifi #classicfilm
69 years ago:
The Good Die Young (UK)
An amoral, psychotic playboy incites three men who are down on their luck to commit a mail van robbery, which goes badly wrong.
#TheGoodDieYoung #LewisGilbert #LaurenceHarvey #GloriaGrahame #RichardBasehart #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#thegooddieyoung #lewisgilbert #laurenceharvey #gloriagrahame #richardbasehart #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
74 years ago:
He Walked by Night (US)
This film-noir piece, told in semi-documentary style, follows police on the hunt for a resourceful criminal who shoots and kills a cop.
#HeWalkedbyNight #RichardBasehart #ScottBrady #WhitBissell #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#hewalkedbynight #richardbasehart #scottbrady #whitbissell #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
50 years ago today:
Hawaii Five-O
S5E18: The Odd Lot Caper
A senior partner in a stock exchange firm comes up with a foolproof plan to rob the Honolulu Stock Exchange.
Airdate: 1973-01-30
#HawaiiFiveO #RichardBasehart #CBS #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#hawaiifiveo #richardbasehart #cbs #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows