Most definitely.
Think about the personalities involved:
🚮 They're drawn to #CarymaNgo's constant posting about who was mean to her. It's literally 80% of her content¹;
🚮 They refer to actual people as "recurring characters", demonstrating two dimensional thinking processes;
🚮 They salivate at the thought of someone getting hurt in some way/shape/form.
What am I talking about?
❝ They don’t forgive or forget and they don’t move on. They wallow in the actual or often perceived transgressions of others and they allow sentiments of animosity and vengeance to percolate and froth at the surface by their constant and attentive nurturing of those perceived wounds.² ❞
↪️ Consider Staph as exhibit A.
I had an argument with her, like I do with a shit tonne of racists, and then, I blocked her and promptly forgot she existed. I had to search my timeline to figure out who she was.
SHE, on the other hand, nursed her perceived wounds, suckled them even, until she found an opportunity to rehash them — and be "not racist" again. She's "so upset" at having her racism pointed out to her, that she's been canoodling with a neo-Nazi.
This is not a woman who functions well cognitively.
↪️ I have never even directly interacted with Grumpickle Shane.
↪️ Nor have I ever directly spoken to Fraudrey.
Yet, they are all united by their "wounds".
This piece makes the case for calling it "wound collecting", to understand the pathology from THEIR perspective, but I just think it legitimizes their nonsense.
❝ Why do we call these “wounds” and not something else? Some have referred to these individuals as grievance or injustice collectors. These terms don’t do justice to the morbid pathology at work here any more than to call someone who suffers from bulimia or anorexia “food averse.” The illness that underpins the thinking and behavior of these individuals is psychological wounding.² ❞
None of these people have been "wounded"; they're just fucked up histrionic shitheads who are incapable of letting anything go.
It's like the phrase "white grievances". Never have I seen any of these anti-woke, anti-CRT, potential #RichardBilkszto types express an actual, legitimate case, just more "psychological wounds" caused by not being allowed to own people any more.
↪️ Think about Tanya:
Calling the police because someone mocked her.
Does that seem like the response of a functional, psychologically-healthy person? Notice that I didn't ask if it was "normal", because in that crew, oh my god has that been normalized.
Caryma has become a gathering point for extremely problematic white people³ who cannot self-regulate. A collector of grievance collectors.
¹ Even when she claims to be covering an event, she leaves out vital details about the event, because that's not actually the focus.
³ most of the tokens have fallen away, like Mayada.
And WHY might Black women (and men) be angry?
✊🏿 ✊🏾 ✊🏽 ✊🏼
Mortality in childbirth
✊🏼 ✊🏽 ✊🏾 ✊🏿
❝ Black women in the United States have experienced substantial improvements in health during the last century, yet health disparities persist. These health disparities are in large part a reflection of the inequalities experienced by Black women on a host of social and economic measures. In this paper, we examine the structural contributors to social and economic conditions that create the landscape for persistent health inequities among Black women.❞
The UK has one of the lowest maternal mortality ratios in the world. There are, however, glaring and persistent disparities in outcomes for women depending on their ethnicity. Maternal mortality for Black women is currently almost four times higher than for White women.
Think it's better in Canada*? WHO KNOWS.
As the U.K and U.S. develop stronger policies to tackle maternal mortality, Canada is being left behind due to its colour-blind approach to medical care and that could be harming Black Canadian mothers.
In a key 2016 study informing the issue, researchers from McGill University found that 8.9% of Black women gave birth to pre-term babies, compared to 5.9% of their white peers, examining singleton live births for 2004 through 2006.
✊🏿 ✊🏾 ✊🏽 ✊🏼
General Health Care
✊🏼 ✊🏽 ✊🏾 ✊🏿
You might want to check the date on this:
Half of white medical trainees believe such myths as black people have thicker skin or less sensitive nerve endings than white people. An expert looks at how false notions and hidden biases fuel inadequate treatment of minorities’ pain.
Racism constitutes a barrier towards achieving equitable healthcare as documented in research showing unequal processes of delivering, accessing, and receiving healthcare across countries and healthcare indicators. This review summarizes studies examining how racism is discussed and produced in the process of delivering, accessing and receiving healthcare across various national contexts.
In Canada, the worst service tends to be directed at Indigenous people, but the bullshit affects others:
From the rating activity, racialized health care users reported ‘race’/ethnic based discrimination or everyday racism as largely contributing to the challenges experienced when receiving health care; statements rated high for action/change include ‘when the health care provider does not complete a proper assessment’, ‘when the patient’s symptoms are ignored or not taken seriously’, ‘and ‘when the health care provider belittles or talks down to the patient’.
✊🏿 ✊🏾 ✊🏽 ✊🏼
Racism and
General Health
✊🏼 ✊🏽 ✊🏾 ✊🏿
A 2019 research reviewTrusted Source found positive associations between reports of racial discrimination and many physical and mental health conditions, as well as preclinical indicators for disease.
These include:
▪︎ cardiovascular disease
▪︎ coronary artery calcification
▪︎ mental health disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, and psychosis)
▪︎ obesity
▪︎ hypertension (high blood pressure)
▪︎ alcohol use and misuse
▪︎ engaging in high-risk behaviors
▪︎ poorer sleep
▪︎ inflammation
▪︎ cortisol dysregulation (a hormone that regulates stress levels in the body)
Based in part on:
#TheDarkerYouAre #Racism #BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter #colorism #AngryBlackWoman
* Don't be a fucking #RichardBilkszto
#thedarkeryouare #racism #BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter #colorism #angryblackwoman #richardbilkszto
And WHY might Black women (and men) be angry?
✊🏿 ✊🏾 ✊🏽 ✊🏼
Mortality in childbirth
✊🏼 ✊🏽 ✊🏾 ✊🏿
❝ Black women in the United States have experienced substantial improvements in health during the last century, yet health disparities persist. These health disparities are in large part a reflection of the inequalities experienced by Black women on a host of social and economic measures. In this paper, we examine the structural contributors to social and economic conditions that create the landscape for persistent health inequities among Black women.❞
The UK has one of the lowest maternal mortality ratios in the world. There are, however, glaring and persistent disparities in outcomes for women depending on their ethnicity. Maternal mortality for Black women is currently almost four times higher than for White women.
Think it's better in Canada*? WHO KNOWS.
As the U.K and U.S. develop stronger policies to tackle maternal mortality, Canada is being left behind due to its colour-blind approach to medical care and that could be harming Black Canadian mothers.
In a key 2016 study informing the issue, researchers from McGill University found that 8.9% of Black women gave birth to pre-term babies, compared to 5.9% of their white peers, examining singleton live births for 2004 through 2006.
✊🏿 ✊🏾 ✊🏽 ✊🏼
General Health Care
✊🏼 ✊🏽 ✊🏾 ✊🏿
You might want to check the date on this:
Half of white medical trainees believe such myths as black people have thicker skin or less sensitive nerve endings than white people. An expert looks at how false notions and hidden biases fuel inadequate treatment of minorities’ pain.
Racism constitutes a barrier towards achieving equitable healthcare as documented in research showing unequal processes of delivering, accessing, and receiving healthcare across countries and healthcare indicators. This review summarizes studies examining how racism is discussed and produced in the process of delivering, accessing and receiving healthcare across various national contexts.
In Canada, the worst service tends to be directed at Indigenous people, but the bullshit affects others:
From the rating activity, racialized health care users reported ‘race’/ethnic based discrimination or everyday racism as largely contributing to the challenges experienced when receiving health care; statements rated high for action/change include ‘when the health care provider does not complete a proper assessment’, ‘when the patient’s symptoms are ignored or not taken seriously’, ‘and ‘when the health care provider belittles or talks down to the patient’.
✊🏿 ✊🏾 ✊🏽 ✊🏼
Racism and
General Health
✊🏼 ✊🏽 ✊🏾 ✊🏿
A 2019 research reviewTrusted Source found positive associations between reports of racial discrimination and many physical and mental health conditions, as well as preclinical indicators for disease.
These include:
▪︎ cardiovascular disease
▪︎ coronary artery calcification
▪︎ mental health disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, and psychosis)
▪︎ obesity
▪︎ hypertension (high blood pressure)
▪︎ alcohol use and misuse
▪︎ engaging in high-risk behaviors
▪︎ poorer sleep
▪︎ inflammation
▪︎ cortisol dysregulation (a hormone that regulates stress levels in the body)
Based in part on:
#TheDarkerYouAre #Racism #BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter #colorism #AngryBlackWoman
* Don't be a fucking #RichardBilkszto
#thedarkeryouare #racism #BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter #colorism #angryblackwoman #richardbilkszto
Shout out to my sister @Joyhenderson78 who was cuffed and tossed in a cruiser Sunday for the crime of Driving While Black.
Y'all clear on how it works in Canada yet?
Let's circle back to #RichardBilkszto —who is being held up by the right wing shitheads as having been ✌🏾"martyred"✌🏾 for saying Canada is much better than the US.
Canada is DIFFERENT from the US.
Different doesn't mean better.
#Racism #FuckThePolice #PoliceDontKeepUsSafe
#TOpoli #Toronto
#richardbilkszto #racism #fuckthepolice #policedontkeepussafe #topoli #toronto
The Martydom of #RichardBilkszto continues unabated.
In a new article in the Daily Fail, the canonization process speeds along, with a recitation of his terrible trials and tribulations, with a bonus claim that he was actually a "progressive".
Because I don't give the Fail clicks, here is an archived copy.
The trials that merit veneration? He was told by a Black women that Canada is NOT better than the U.S. when it comes to racism.
Best I can understand from the drivel: somehow HE was expected/permitted/(not sure what exactly the underlying notion not being expressed is) to disagree with this statement and the trainer's perspective, AND he was entitled to others joining him in countering the claim.
It does seem as though his beatification revolves around the fact that no one would "stand up for him" — against a Black woman speaking about her experiences. Over two years ago. 🫥
The people pushing for canonization don't appear to believe it could possibly just boil down to:
No one in the Zoom session agreed with him. Nope! They were deliberately withholding his righteous accolades.
And now he's dead because of it. Two years later.
But don't you dare call that White Fragility.
And don't you dare suggest that perhaps the fact no one from his work life has come forth to declare that he WASN'T a racist asshole — in the TWO YEARS that followed — says volumes about him.
But back to what is being spun as the defining moment of his life: A well-paid Black woman didn't accept his claim that, because poor school districts in Ontario (the article is unclear on the relevant geography) are better funded than those in the U.S., there is less racism here.
If he was so sure of this, why was her counterclaim (that students in Jane-Finch schools are not having the same educational experience as those Forest Hill) so personally devastating?
And: Why did he need (*cough*was entitled to*cough*) someone to stand up for him simply because he had a different opinion? Why did he expect others to join in on denying the undeniably racist structure of Canada?
And I definitely want to know WHO described this man — a man who tried to establish a Canadian foothold for an anti-Black, transphobic, American white grievance organization speciously-named the "Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism" — as "progressive".
A month before Bilkszto's suicide, an expose of sorts was published in the New Yorker about the disintegration of org:
Meanwhile, Weiss, Chen, and a few others in the organization were nurturing their own suspicions about Bartning and FAIR’s governance. He had started talking about spinning off an L.L.C. for the FAIR corporate diversity-training program, believing that the incentive structure would be better in a for-profit company. Before Bartning founded FAIR, he bought the domain name that eventually became the group’s Web site; much of FAIR’s intellectual property was arguably his, not the organization’s. Myles Mendoza, a nonprofit consultant who had unsuccessfully pitched FAIR on a paid gig, had talked with a few of FAIR’s leaders and suspected that the organization might be vulnerable to self-dealing if Bartning decided that he wanted to use FAIR’s I.P. to start his own for-profit company.
The org, of course, has been Weekend at Bernie's-ing Bilkszto's corpse, happy to deflect from any speculation that the bonfire of the org itself much more closely matches in sheer proximity to his death, than a DEI training TWO YEARS AGO.
Let's talk about some ways anti-Blackness manifests in Canada, shall we? 1/🧵
👀 ◾️ 👀 ◾️ 👀 ◾️👀
Yesterday's legal observer (LO) assignment was at the Parents of Black Children press conference in response to the deluge of anti-anti-racist statements and pushes in the wake of the suicide of #RichardBilkszto (click the hashtag for more/older info).
The coverage from the conference includes:
A coalition of Black community organizations is calling on the province to reaffirm its commitment to anti-racism training in education and publicly denounce “attempts to undermine or halt these efforts” in the wake of the suicide of a former principal who claimed he was bullied during an anti-racism training session two years ago.
“There is an active campaign to villainize and undermine anti-racism work in this province,” said Idris Orughu, one of the speakers at Wednesday’s event at Queen’s Park, organized by more than a dozen Black community groups from across the GTA.
(or archived Toronto Star article in case a paywall goes up);
Context from a CTV News piece:
Richard Bilkszto, who worked on contract with the TDSB after his retirement in 2019, filed a lawsuit against the board in April, claiming that an anti-racism training session in 2021 and its aftermath destroyed his reputation.
Bilkszto claimed supervisors did not intervene and later retaliated against him when trainer Kike Ojo-Thompson allegedly implied he was racist and humiliated him in front of colleagues after he disagreed that Canada was more racist than the U.S.
A lawyer for Bilkszto said her client died by suicide in July.
"It is clear to us, that his death has been used as a rallying point for right-wing opponents to dismantle the necessary and imperative anti-racism work," community leader Idris Orughu said outside the legislature Wednesday.
Orughu called any attempts to link death to anti-racism education are "immoral and unethical".
None of the allegations in Bilkszto's suit have been proven in court.
The TDSB has hired a third party investigator to look into the circumstances around Bilkszto's death.
❞ (or of it doesn't work)
#AntiBlacknessIsGlobal #antiBlackness #DEI #CRT #WhiteFragility #WhitePrivilege #CanadaIsNotImmune #Racism #canPoli #topoli #CarymaNgo
#richardbilkszto #AntiBlacknessIsGlobal #antiblackness #dei #crt #whitefragility #whiteprivilege #canadaisnotimmune #racism #canpoli #topoli #carymango
"We stand here, a stolen people on stolen land."
A hell of a close to the land acknowledgement.
#RichardBilkszto would have hated this.
So what you're saying is that the people who worked with him everyday and knew him best couldn't be arsed to say that he was, in fact, NOT racist.
I wonder what that means. 🤔
God damn #RichardBilkszto to hell.
And I don't even believe in hell, ffs.
I wonder if his last moments were mollified by a belief that he would become a martyr on the alter of "reverse racism" and a hope that the fact he was indeed a racist pile of shit would be magically overlooked.
#richardbilkszto #fashwatchcanada
It is a shit show that has managed to be spun into an "investigation" by Lecce, basically into "CRT", based on a series of lies.
It's much more important than it seems at first glance. He's now a "martyr for the white race".
Turns out we don't have to wait for it.
Unsurprisingly, the fascists are flat out lying about what went down in the session and after.
#richardbilkszto #dei #whitefragility #crt
I would like to have a rational and nuanced conversation about whatever the fuck is happening on the subject of #RichardBilkszto, but it's starting to look like even white people who should know better, don't actually.
It even has Kinsella (🤢) agreeing with Bernier (🖕🏾). #WhiteFragility is a hell of a drug.
Gotta say, his ties to a white supremacist org OUGHT to call into question his status as respected, but given what I'm watching, seems like maybe not.
(Glad to see my old #mushroomtwitter pals stand up to this shit, at least.)
#richardbilkszto #whitefragility #mushroomtwitter
I dunno, it kinda looks more like a sign that white Canadians would rather die than consider that they might be wrong about something.
Holy crap this "CRT" martyrdom drama is still ongoing. Fascinated to see who weighs in next.
It's amazing the sheer quantity of shitty people who have come out of the woodwork to eulogize #RichardBilkszto
— including Sarah Braasch, whom you might remember from "calling the Yale Police because a Black student was sleeping in a common room".
I get the distinct feeling that Richard gets to be held up Weekend At Bernie's-style by all the assholes who threaten to "unalive" themselves when criticized (HateAgain is another example who is also parading his rancid corpse around), so they can say: "See! It could be me if you don't stahhhhp saying mean but true things about me, and this will be on you!"
Sarah could have long been forgotten if not for still shrieking about the consequences of her own shitty actions.
The difference between #BirdChan and the #Fediverse has never seemed so pointed in seeing the hysteria over #WhitePrivilege because a man committed suicide over, what looks a LOT like "being talked back to" by a Black woman.
The claim that Canada is worse than the US in terms of racism is definitely up for debate. Not taking a moment to consider whether it might be true¹ before defensively declaring your (white) self the expert in racism was certainly a bold move.
And not even questioning why he felt entitled/obligated/EMPOWERED to do so: 🤦🏾♀️
Fediverse 🦗 🏏 🦗
¹ It's definitely different: much more covert than overt, and certainly structural af. I don't know that I would say "worse", but the narrative Canadian white people like to tell themselves is deeply problematic.
You can't fight what you refuse to even acknowledge.
#WhiteFragility #WhitePrivilege #DEI #RichardBilkszto #racism
#birdchan #fediverse #whiteprivilege #whitefragility #dei #richardbilkszto #racism