🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #RichardEgarrOnTheMachineThatGoesPing!
Domenico Scarlatti, Steven Isserlis, Richard Egarr & Robin Michael:
🎵 Keyboard Sonata K90 in D minor (Allegro)
#nowplaying #richardegarronthemachinethatgoesping #DomenicoScarlatti #StevenIsserlis
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #RichardEgarrOnTheMachineThatGoesPing!
Nicola Canzano & David Belkovski:
🎵 Sur le Tombeau de l'Incomparable Mme. de la Guerre
#nowplaying #richardegarronthemachinethatgoesping #nicolacanzano #davidbelkovski
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #RichardEgarrOnTheMachineThatGoesPing!
Jean‐Baptiste Lully, Musica Antiqua Köln & Reinhard Goebel:
🎵 Ballet de la nuit (Ouverture)
#nowplaying #richardegarronthemachinethatgoesping #JeanBaptisteLully #musicaantiquakoln #ReinhardGoebel
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #RichardEgarrOnTheMachineThatGoesPing!
Michael Nyman, Elisabeth Chojnacka & Michael Nyman Orchestra:
🎵 Concerto for Harpsichord and Strings: Part 3
#nowplaying #richardegarronthemachinethatgoesping #MichaelNyman #elisabethchojnacka
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #RichardEgarrOnTheMachineThatGoesPing!
György Ligeti & Mahan Esfahani:
🎵 Passacaglia ungherese für Cembalo
#nowplaying #richardegarronthemachinethatgoesping #gyorgyligeti #MahanEsfahani
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #RichardEgarrOnTheMachineThatGoesPing!
George Harrison & The Beatles:
🎵 Piggies
#nowplaying #richardegarronthemachinethatgoesping #GeorgeHarrison #thebeatles
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #RichardEgarrOnTheMachineThatGoesPing!
Johann Jakob Froberger & Gustav Leonhardt:
🎵 Toccata XII
#nowplaying #richardegarronthemachinethatgoesping #johannjakobfroberger #GustavLeonhardt
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #RichardEgarrOnTheMachineThatGoesPing!
Johann Sebastian Bach & Isolde Ahlgrimm:
🎵 The Art of Fugue, Contrapunctus III
#nowplaying #richardegarronthemachinethatgoesping #johannsebastianbach #isoldeahlgrimm
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #RichardEgarrOnTheMachineThatGoesPing!
Ned Rorem & Jory Vinikour:
🎵 Spiders
#nowplaying #richardegarronthemachinethatgoesping #NedRorem #JoryVinikour
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #RichardEgarrOnTheMachineThatGoesPing!
Manuel de Falla, John Constable, London Sinfonietta & Sir Simon Rattle:
🎵 Concerto for Harpsichord & Chamber Ensemble (Vivace)
#ManueldeFalla #JohnConstable #LondonSinfonietta #SirSimonRattle
#nowplaying #richardegarronthemachinethatgoesping #manueldefalla #johnconstable #LondonSinfonietta #sirsimonrattle
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #RichardEgarrOnTheMachineThatGoesPing!
Jean‐Philippe Rameau & Wanda Landowska:
🎵 La Dauphine
#nowplaying #richardegarronthemachinethatgoesping #JeanPhilippeRameau #wandalandowska
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #RichardEgarrOnTheMachineThatGoesPing!
Johann Sebastian Bach & Violet Gordon‐Woodhouse:
🎵 Italian Concerto, BWV. 971 (Andante)
#nowplaying #richardegarronthemachinethatgoesping #johannsebastianbach #violetgordonwoodhouse
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #RichardEgarrOnTheMachineThatGoesPing!
Ludwig van Beethoven, Robert Veyron‐Lacroix & Maria Scivittaro:
🎵 Adagio for mandolin and keyboard in E flat major
#LudwigvanBeethoven #RobertVeyronLacroix #MariaScivittaro
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#nowplaying #richardegarronthemachinethatgoesping #LudwigvanBeethoven #robertveyronlacroix #mariascivittaro
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBCRadio3:
- 3. Death and Transfiguration
A new life for the harpsichord.
Relisten now 👇
#nowplaying #BBCRadio3 #richardegarronthemachinethatgoesping
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #RichardEgarrOnTheMachineThatGoesPing!
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Basilio Timpanaro & Rossella Policardo:
🎵 Sonata for Keyboard Duet in D Major, I.Allegro
#nowplaying #richardegarronthemachinethatgoesping #wolfgangamadeusmozart
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #RichardEgarrOnTheMachineThatGoesPing!
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, Robert Hill, Léon Berben, Musica Antiqua Köln & Reinhard Goebel:
🎵 Concerto for Harpsichord and Fortepiano in E-flat major (Presto)
#nowplaying #richardegarronthemachinethatgoesping #CarlPhilippEmanuelBach #roberthill
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #RichardEgarrOnTheMachineThatGoesPing!
Johann Sebastian Bach, Trevor Pinnock & European Brandenburg Ensemble:
🎵 Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 in D major (Allegro)
#nowplaying #richardegarronthemachinethatgoesping #johannsebastianbach
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #RichardEgarrOnTheMachineThatGoesPing!
George Frideric Handel & Francesco Corti:
🎵 Keyboard Suite in G minor (VI. Passacaille)
#nowplaying #richardegarronthemachinethatgoesping #GeorgeFridericHandel #francescocorti
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #RichardEgarrOnTheMachineThatGoesPing!
Henry Purcell, Stefano Montanari, Andreas Scholl & Accademia Bizantina:
🎵 What Power art thou? (King Arthur, or The British Worthy)
#HenryPurcell #StefanoMontanari #AndreasScholl #AccademiaBizantina
#nowplaying #richardegarronthemachinethatgoesping #HenryPurcell #StefanoMontanari #AndreasScholl #AccademiaBizantina
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #RichardEgarrOnTheMachineThatGoesPing!
Johann Jakob Froberger & Glen Wilson:
🎵 Suite (Partita) No. 1 in A Minor
#nowplaying #richardegarronthemachinethatgoesping #johannjakobfroberger #GlenWilson