#PhilippaDeCoucy was married in childhood to #RobertDeVere, who became notorious for an 'obscene familiarity' with #RichardII & then for abducting a lady-in-waiting of the Queen: Robert's mother #MaudUfford invited Philippa to live with her at #GreatBentley. Robert fled after the Battle of #RadcotBridge, never to be seen in England again.
📷 the Vere family badge of the boar was a pun: Latin, verres. 🧵 8/
#14thCentury #medieval #cad #histodons #medievodons @medievodons #GranddaughtersOfEdwardIII
#philippadecoucy #robertdevere #richardii #maudufford #greatbentley #radcotbridge #14thcentury #medieval #cad #histodons #medievodons #granddaughtersofedwardiii
In an age where much wealth was held in portable objects, the medieval and Tudor kings housed their jewels, plate and other valuables in jewel houses within their palaces. In Issue 04, Dr Nicola Tallis looks at those jewel houses in which Henry VII and Henry VIII stored their treasures.
#tudorplaces #tudorplacesmag #tudorplacesmagazine #toweroflondon #jeweltower #henryvii #henryviii #charlesii #richardii #crownjewels
#tudorplaces #tudorplacesmag #tudorplacesmagazine #toweroflondon #jeweltower #henryvii #HenryVIII #charlesii #richardii #CrownJewels
Here's #MyShakespeareWinter part 16 of 37:
#RichardII shows us a vain capricious king, his bad counsel & bad choices causing the kingdom's bankruptcy, treachery, regicide...somewhat impersonal, but it's all in lovely lyrical verse, such as John of Gaunt's famously glowing "this scept'red isle" speech
#myshakespearewinter #richardii
In an age where much wealth was held in portable objects, the medieval and Tudor kings housed their jewels, plate and other valuables in jewel houses within their palaces. In Issue 04, Dr Nicola Tallis looks at those jewel houses in which Henry VII and Henry VIII stored their treasures.
#tudorplaces #tudorplacesmag #tudorplacesmagazine #toweroflondon #jeweltower #henryvii #henryviii #charlesii #richardii #crownjewels
#tudorplaces #tudorplacesmag #tudorplacesmagazine #toweroflondon #jeweltower #henryvii #HenryVIII #charlesii #richardii #CrownJewels
I count myself in nothing else so happy
As in a soul remembering my good friends.
#RichardII 2.3
#ShakespeareSunday #Bardtodons #Shakespeare
#richardii #shakespearesunday #bardtodons #shakespeare