DAMNING INDICTMENT: If there is one thing the #GoldenGlobes got right it is handing out acting nominations for the #Netflix series #Dahmer to #EvanPeters #RichardJenkins & #NiecyNash. Pomona winds up the year's TV reviews with its thoughts on the show. https://pomonarewind.blogspot.com/2022/12/damning-indictment-dahmer.html #serialkiller #milwaukee #ryanmurphy #tv2022 #racism
#goldenglobes #netflix #Dahmer #evanpeters #richardjenkins #niecynash #serialkiller #Milwaukee #ryanmurphy #tv2022 #racism
#Lultimoturno di #AndrewCohn Stanley (un bravissimo #RichardJenkins ) รจ a un solo weekend dalla pensione dopo 38 anni passati a gestire, nel turno di notte, il piccolo fast food drive-in nella periferia di Albion, una cittadina dello stato del Michigan Prima di ricevere il suo assegno di trattamento fine rapporto, la proprietaria del fast food lo obbliga a formare, in un paio di turni, Jevon (un altrettanto bravo #ShanePaulMcGhie ...http://www.valeriotagliaferri.it/?p=10341 #mastocinema #mastofilm #cinema #film
#lultimoturno #andrewcohn #richardjenkins #shanepaulmcghie #mastocinema #mastofilm #cinema #film
Blue Steel (1990)
Blue Steel seems to have disappeared from view and recognition walking a tight line between cop thriller and psychological drama
#MovieStuffs #Reviews #BlueSteel #ClancyBrown #JamieLeeCurtis #KathrynBigelow #KevinDunne #LousieFletcher #OliverStone #PhilipBosco #RichardJenkins #RonSilver
#ronsilver #richardjenkins #philipbosco #oliverstone #lousiefletcher #kevindunne #kathrynbigelow #jamieleecurtis #ClancyBrown #bluesteel #reviews #moviestuffs