Rep. George Santos Allegedly Defrauded a Veteran's Service Dog | #subspeciesofcanislupus #doginchinesemythology #domesticatedanimals #anthonydevolder #richardosthoff #kevinmccarthy #humaninterest #servicedog #gofundme #politics #osthoff #dogmeat #santos #thedog #pets #dogs
#subspeciesofcanislupus #doginchinesemythology #domesticatedanimals #anthonydevolder #richardosthoff #KevinMcCarthy #humaninterest #servicedog #gofundme #Politics #osthoff #dogmeat #Santos #thedog #pets #dogs
#RichardOsthoff #uSNavy veteran
told media that Representative-elect #GeorgeSantos raised uS3,000 via #GoFundMe In 2016
for life-saving surgery for Osthoff's dying dog.
Dog had a 10-pound stomach tumor
GeorgeSantos pocketed uS$ 3,000 and dissapeared.
Dog died after long agony
Allegedly Santos was running a
non registered charity #FriendsforPetsUnited,
#richardosthoff #usnavy #georgesantos #gofundme #friendsforpetsunited