Old British Telly · @oldbritishtelly
2807 followers · 2006 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

[1993] The Late Show – Mortal Kombat – Tracey MacLeod speaks to Will Self and Richard Seymour about the controversial video game Mortal Kombat, and what future video games might have as a narrative medium.


#OldBritishTelly #mortlkombat #traceymacleod #WillSelf #richardseymour

Last updated 2 years ago

"I think somebody famously put it: the message of accounts on Instagram is I had a better holiday than you, on Facebook it's my children are better than yours, and on it's my ideology has killed less people than your ideology."

"What is it about that turns us into such objectionable creatures? [...] Ash is joined by , author of ."


#novaramedia #books #thetwitteringmachine #richardseymour #socialmedia #twitter

Last updated 2 years ago