I'm not familiar with the work of composer Richard Skelton, but, going by this, he seems rather interesting.
#richardskelton #northernlandscapes
Er kwamen deze week weer heel wat boeiende nieuwe platen uit.
- audiosprookje Une Aventure de VV van avantgardeband #AksakMaboel (uit serie #MadeToMeasure)
- bizarre dubreggae op Tikiman, Vol. 1 van #PaulStHilaire
- de oudjes #ACertainRatio kunnen het nog steeds
- #boygenius is de supergroep van #LucyDacus, #JulienBaker en #PhoebeBridges
- #RichardSkelton maakt interessante drone/ambient
Ik heb ze allemaal in mijn lijst gezet met de meest interessante albums van 2023:
#richardskelton #phoebebridges #julienbaker #lucydacus #boygenius #ACertainRatio #paulsthilaire #madetomeasure #aksakmaboel
Forms of Things Lost To, Richard Skelton (2023)
A copy of the book 'And Then Gone', buried in waterlogged soil in the Scottish Borders, not far from Scaleby Moss, for a period of about 3 months and later exhumed.
A series of eight artworks painted, partially erased and repainted over the same period with acrylic paint, ink, charcoal and rubbing alcohol.
#richardskelton #art #specialedition #decay #transformation #corbelstonepress
#richardskelton #art #specialedition #Decay #transformation #corbelstonepress
I'm in our den, drenched in the blue-white light of a misty morning. Sleet is ticking on the skylights. A fire is going, and the dogs are snoozing on the hearth. #RichardSkelton's "Remaindered" is playing on the #Sonos. I've just had a mug of really good coffee.
And I just wanted to say I love y'all.
'Minor Planets, 2', Richard Skelton, 2022
#CorbelStonePress #RichardSkelton #Collage #Archaeology #Astronomy
#corbelstonepress #richardskelton #collage #archaeology #astronomy
'Visibility of Planets', Richard Skelton, 2022
#CorbelStonePress #RichardSkelton #Collage #Archaeology #Astronomy
#corbelstonepress #richardskelton #collage #archaeology #astronomy