This fits the description of a millionaire.
#fuckrichpeople #richpeopleshit #therichareparasites #AbolishTheRich
#fuckrichpeople #richpeopleshit #therichareparasites #AbolishTheRich
Kardashians are exploiting their 9 year old kid's public image to sell other 9 year olds skincare products
#exploitation #richpeopleshit #fuckrichpeople #therichareparasites #anticapitalism #AbolishTheRich #abolishcapitalism
#exploitation #richpeopleshit #fuckrichpeople #therichareparasites #anticapitalism #AbolishTheRich #abolishcapitalism
If the shoe fits
#ExpropriationNow #fuckrichpeople #richpeopleshit #therichareparasites #anticapitalism #wealthinequality #AbolishTheRich #abolishcapitalism
#ExpropriationNow #fuckrichpeople #richpeopleshit #therichareparasites #anticapitalism #wealthinequality #AbolishTheRich #abolishcapitalism
A man is being ordered to pay $400k to Kim Kardashian over a trademark lawsuit. He's living out of his car.
#AbolishTheRich #therichareparasites #richpeopleshit #fuckrichpeople
#AbolishTheRich #therichareparasites #richpeopleshit #fuckrichpeople
@piatpod If the mega churches had to pay taxes, they would figure out a way to not pay taxes.