Oh, das ist toll. Eventuell werden nicht alle begeistert sein, aber ich freue mich sehr auf das neue Feature von #Mastodon :mastodon:.
Es wurde nun implementiert, dass #RichText #Formatierungen teilweise von der Mastodon-Instanz akzeptiert und in Clients angezeigt werden. Kommen also von anderen Services Auszeichnungen, wie Fett, Kursiv, Code oder auch Listen, werden diese auch tatsächlich angezeigt. :awesome:
Bisher hat Mastodon fast alles in Plain Text (ausgenommen URLs) gewandelt.
#formatierungen #richtext #mastodon
Hey, I see rich text on my Fedilab app (Android)! Amazing! Let me try it.
The **bold** dogs jumped over the *slanted* fox which was _under_ them.
Xwriter V0.4.1 is out
This release contains :
1. Files inclusion with the syntax : {{include filepath/filelink}}
2. Bug fix/User-interface improvement
3. Markdown archive .mdz works with more than 1 markdown file at the root ( tested with github zip file )
#Xwriter #markdown #markdock #richtext #richtexteditor
In the next release of #Xwriter coming soon, I changed 2 rules :
1. HTML alias as :
`Text`{serif #red ...}
2. Paragraph indentation as :
These syntax are just better in plain-text and are closer to the syntax already used in pandoc
#markdown #markdock #editor #richtext #RichTextFormat #richtexteditor
#Xwriter #red #markdown #markdock #editor #richtext #RichTextFormat #richtexteditor
In the next release of #Xwriter comming soon, I changed 2 rules :
1. HTML alias as :
`Text`{serif #red ...}
2. Paragraph indentation as :
These syntax are just better in plain-text and are closer to the syntax already used in pandoc
#markdown #markdock #editor #richtext #RichTextFormat #richtexteditor
#Xwriter #red #markdown #markdock #editor #richtext #RichTextFormat #richtexteditor
@jessegrosjean cool to see this #richtext #UX, I saw someone implement something similar for #ProseMirror I want to try for my projects.
I've been diving into #LexicalJS recently which is Meta's new-ish open source #Editor framework for building #RichText (or plaintext if that's your jam) editing experiences.
Here's an interesting talk from one of the core team covering it's design philosophy:
Dokumente gemeinsam online bearbeiten mit CryptPad
Ein Erfahrungsbericht, wie man Google Docs durch freie Lösungen ersetzen kann.
#Google_Docs #CryptPad #RichText #Mobile
#Google_Docs #cryptpad #richtext #mobile
tiptap – a renderless rich-text editor for Vue.js https://tiptap.scrumpy.io/ #editor #richText