Woman pleads guilty to mailing ricin to Trump
A release from the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia states 55-year-old Pascale Cecile Veronique Ferrier, who has dual citizenship in Canada and France, admitted she sent the threatening letters to Trump and the law enforcement officials along with the highly toxic substance.
Ricin is a toxin made from waste material left over from processing castor beans.
#Trump #Ricin #PascaleCecileVeroniqueFerrier
#trump #ricin #pascalececileveroniqueferrier
In #Germany, an attempted #terrorist attack was prevented using poisonous substances: #cyanide and #ricin. A 32-year-old #Iranian citizen and his brother were detained on suspicion of #terrorism.
#germany #terrorist #cyanide #ricin #iranian #terrorism
#BREAKING #Germany: Police arrested a 32yo Iranian citizen and accomplice suspected of having plotted an #Islamist #terror attack using #cyanide and #ricin. Last time such a plot with ricin was detected in Germany was 2018
#Breaking #germany #islamist #terror #cyanide #ricin
Germany: 32-year-old suspected of preparing 'Islamist-motivated' attack
#Iranian #terrorattack #cyanide #ricin #Nordrhein-Westfalen #Ruhr
#ruhr #Nordrhein #ricin #cyanide #terrorattack #iranian
Na odznaku Audi-Vide-Tace a ještě kauzu dál rozmazávají. Co je to za službu, které uteče živá kauza? Kouzelná je i věta: "Urychleně byly prověřeny informace v něm obsažené a naprostá většina z nich byla ověřitelná, pravdivá a přesná.". To nejspíš ověřovali svými analytickými mozky, že? Snad jim tedy konečně do příruček pro špijóny-začátečníky napíšou, že k nepravdivým informacím se zásadně přibaluje řádná porce pravdy.