For anyone who enjoyed Hbomberguy's recent video on the Roblox "oof" sound, I also recommend his video on the Halcyon console, which didn't go nearly as viral but covers some similar ground. I'm super into retro gaming and had no idea the Halcyon existed, this was pretty fascinating to me.
#GamingHistory #RetroGaming #hbomberguy #Roblox #TommyTallarico #DonBluth #RickDyer #Animation #oof #Messiah #DragonsLair #SpaceAce #ThayersQuest
#GamingHistory #retrogaming #hbomberguy #roblox #tommytallarico #donbluth #rickdyer #animation #oof #messiah #DragonsLair #spaceace #thayersquest
Perhaps no arcade game is so nostalgically remembered, yet so critically bemoaned, as #DragonsLair.
In "Dragon's Lair and the Fantasy of Interactivity", #MJClarke takes us on a deep dive into the game's infamous design, and offers up a fascinating perspective for us to ponder. 📚
#GameStudies #GameDev #GameDesign #LexingtonBooks #Cinematronics #VideoGames #Gaming #Arcade #RetroGaming #Books #Bookstodon #DonBluth #RickDyer
#rickdyer #donbluth #bookstodon #Books #retrogaming #arcade #Gaming #videogames #cinematronics #lexingtonbooks #gamedesign #GameDev #gamestudies #mjclarke #dragonslair