Hey Rick Ashley a sorti il y a 5 jours une nouvelle chason, Never Gonna β¦ Stop
Il parle aux arbres dans le clip.
If a Nigerian prince emails you asking for money, just open a fake email account and Reply to the original address with a link to Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" video.
You'll get a chuckle out of it, feel like you won, and they will have to reconsider their life choices.
#deepthoughts #deepthoughtswithjackhandsey #rickroll
Ofcourse one needs to add a #RickRoll here ?!:
#RickAstley's #NeverGonnaGiveYouUpβ¦ β24/7βΌβ by @raine
D'ya like #RickRollβ Get #RickRolledβΌ
:rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll: :rickroll:
#rickrolled #rickroll #nevergonnagiveyouup #rickastley #eternalrick
#RickAstley's #NeverGonnaGiveYouUpβ¦ β24/7βΌβ
#rickrolled #rickroll #nevergonnagiveyouup #rickastley #eternalrick
A good rule of life:
No matter how tempting it is, do not clickc on a link that has Rick Astley's name associated with it.
I love this meme. I'm never gonna give it up, because it never lets me down.
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Comedy #Jokestodon #RickAstley #RickRoll #RickRolled #PopMusic #RockMusic #Joke #Paradoxes
#hootintootintuesday #Mastodon #Humor #humour #funnymeme #comedy #jokestodon #rickastley #rickroll #rickrolled #popmusic #rockmusic #joke #paradoxes
If you ever need to #RickRoll anyone, there's an MP4 file posted on archive.org https://archive.org/details/Rick_Astley_Never_Gonna_Give_You_Up
Medieval #RickRoll
βNever Gonna Give You Upβ on Medieval Instruments https://laughingsquid.com/never-gonna-give-you-up-medieval-instruments/
The smallest Rick Roll Wi-Fi Routerβ’οΈ
It rickrolls, draw almost a watt and log rickroll attempts through webhooks.
When you want to #RickRoll someone but with just a touch of class...
@solderandchaos however, if they set it up as the worldβs biggest #RickRoll, that would be hilarious!
Sebenarnya selain #TakeOnMe ada lagi, lagu #RickRoll #nevergonnagiveyouup yang sangat amat terkenal itu, trus #GnR's #SweetChildOMine The Cranberries' Zombie dan bahkan EBYT yang belakangan ini gue puter terus π
#takeonme #rickroll #nevergonnagiveyouup #gnr #sweetchildomine
It's days like this that I remember the motto of the Elf Queen's Elite Hamster Knights:
Numquam te dedo, numquam te deficiet
Colloquially translated into the common tongue, it's a promise that the knights will never give you up, nor ever let you down.
It's my favorite #Rickroll