William "Rick" Singer, the mastermind behind the nationwide college admissions bribery scandal, hopes to show youths in #HotSpringsArkansas there is more to him than that by helping a local organization with its leadership program.
#RickSinger #VarsityBlues #LocalNews #HighImpactMovement #HIM
#hotspringsarkansas #ricksinger #varsityblues #localnews #highimpactmovement #him
4. 42 mois: c'est le temps que #RickSinger passera en prison pour avoir organisé 1 réseau permettant aux super-riches d'acheter la place de leur progéniture dans les meilleures universités. #Singer avait recruté des coachs sportifs qui rédigeaient des évaluations bidons permettant aux enfants de plus fortunés d'être recrutés dans le quota des sportifs de haut-niveau.
Le scandale a jeté une lumière crue sur les pratiques de la jet-set et l'incurie des universités d'élite.
Rick Singer andrà in prigione.
Il 62enne fondatore dell'Edge College & Career Network e mente dietro lo scandalo nazionale delle ammissioni al college, che ha coinvolto dozzine di celebrità e individui di alto profilo che hanno usato il loro status per far entrare i propri figli nei college di t...
#04Gennaio #FelicityHuffman #LoriLoughlin #MossimoGiannulli #RickSinger
#ricksinger #MossimoGiannulli #loriloughlin #felicityhuffman #04gennaio
#RickSinger #Fraud #College #Guilty #VarsityBlues
🚨 Sentenced 3 1/2 years.🚨
Guess now he can move out of that old people trailer park.😆
#ricksinger #fraud #college #guilty #varsityblues
RT @toviasmithnpr: #RickSinger ordered to serve 3.5 years in prison... plus millions in forfeitures and restitution to IRS for mastermindin…
RT @toviasmithnpr: #RickSinger just walked in the court to learn how much time he will spend in prison for masterminding the #VarsityBLues…
Varsity Blues scandal
Mastermind to be sentenced
Asks for leniency
#varsityblues #scandal #ricksinger #haiku #poetry
#scandal #ricksinger #haiku #poetry #varsityblues