🥥 Political consultant #RickWilson wrote a book titled, "Everything Trump Touches Dies."
This is just today's reminder that #TFG touched the United States very deeply. 🥥 #ETTD
Everything Trump Touches, Dies. #ETTD #RickWilson
Man who misused donations solicited for Trump agenda sentenced to prison https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4119158-man-who-misused-donations-solicited-for-trump-agenda-sentenced-to-prison/
Rick Wilson's genuine concern for Donald Trump is touching...
#RickWilson #LincolnProject #DonaldTrump #TrumpIsCooked #VoteBlue
#VoteBlue #trumpiscooked #DonaldTrump #LincolnProject #rickwilson
@uspolitics Nauta would do well to take #RickWilson advice that #ETTD and quit working for #MAGALardo and cop a plea and cooperate. #TraitorInChief may or may not go to prison, but #Nauta will, without a doubt.
#rickwilson #ettd #magalardo #traitorinchief #nauta
This is an article by Rick Wilson (former GOP operative who became a fervent anti-Trumper in 2014) and has been sounding the alarm about Trump and the other MAGA/MAGA-enabling politicians (McCarthy, Greene, etc)) ever since. Yes, I would probably disagree with most of his views, but he’s been a stalwart defender of our democracy for the last 8 years and I believe him when he says we are still in danger. This article is about the new professional campaign staff now working for Trump and doing a fantastic job. That’s scary because his first and second campaign was run by amateurish and unexperienced people. Trump can still win and if he does, I’m not sure American returns from that. https://resolutesquare.com/articles/2tSIAstdXRaEsLkCJc0LFd/a-more-serious-threat #Trump #RickWilson #ResoluteSquare
#trump #rickwilson #resolutesquare
I can't help think of #RickWilson and #ETTD
"Why did Tucker Carlson leave Fox News? Here's what we know."
https://www.youtube.com/live/BYGhgvhbuVM?feature=share Live with #RickWilson Brief Statement and Q&A following #CriminalDefendantTrump How are the billionaires behind Trump going to put the most corrupt politician in congress, #JoeManchinSenatorForSale in the race as a moderate Democrat to take away Bidens votes and hand it back to crime boss #TraitorTrump #VoteBiden2024 #BidenOrTrump Rick says, "get behind Biden stop the bullshit" The other choice will be #TrumpCrimeSyndicate
#rickwilson #criminaldefendanttrump #joemanchinsenatorforsale #TraitorTrump #votebiden2024 #bidenortrump #trumpcrimesyndicate
New funds in provincial budget for continuing #CareHomes could help more #elders live longer in their #HomeCommunities , says chief of #AlexanderFirstNation .
#Alberta #HealthMinister #JasonCopping & #IndigenousRelations #Minister #RickWilson were at #Kipohtakawkamik Elder’s Lodge on March 16 to announce second call for proposals for #CulturallyAppropriate #ContinuingCare facilities in #FirstNations & #Métis communities.
#ContinuingCare Capital Program.
#CareHomes #elders #homecommunities #alexanderfirstnation #alberta #healthminister #jasoncopping #indigenousrelations #minister #rickwilson #kipohtakawkamik #culturallyappropriate #continuingcare #firstnations #metis #indigenous
I cannot believe I'm spending my Friday evening listening to a couple of Resistance Never Trumpers shoot the 💩 and wishing we'd had them on our side a long time ago. Their experience and skills sharpen our blades. ⚔️
#thebulwark #charliesykes #rickwilson
#thebulwark #charliesykes #rickwilson
Always worth listening to what #RickWilson says, since he was one of the strategists who created today's #GOP. America is better off with him now on the side of democracy and no longer against it. #Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/nov/27/rick-wilson-lincoln-project-dismiss-trump-ron-desantis
Despite neanderthalian core political beliefs, #RickWilson IS entertaining. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/rick-wilson-lincoln-project-gop-trump-funk_n_63704b15e4b09d758bd82c02
From #RickWilson on the bird… https://twitter.com/projectlincoln/status/1589437095701262336?s=12&t=1LEZFR9SfHEGqFcLHoeTGQ