43 years ago:
The Last Flight of Noah's Ark (US)
The only chance to escape a desert island is to convert the plane carrying many different animals into a boat.
#TheLastFlightofNoahsArk #CharlesJarrott #ElliottGould #GenevièveBujold #RickySchroder #Movies
#thelastflightofnoahsark #charlesjarrott #elliottgould #genevievebujold #rickyschroder #movies
🇩🇪 Wikipedia Outre-Rhin ?
1. Der kleine Lord (1980) #DerKleineLord(1980)
2. Ricky Schroder #RickySchroder
3. Karthago #Karthago
#derkleinelord #rickyschroder #karthago
Remembering the miniature train #RickySchroder rode in #SilverSpoons. Also, those Jelly Bracelets…those were rad!
#rickyschroder #silverspoons #80stv #gaymastodon