An old set of pictures, but great figures none the less. RID 2001 Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus which combine into Omega Prime.
#Transformers #RID2001 #OptimusPrime #Optimus #UltraMagnus #OmegaPrime #Prime #Ultra #Magnus #RID #ToyPhotography
#transformers #rid2001 #optimusprime #optimus #ultramagnus #omegaprime #prime #ultra #magnus #rid #toyphotography
Awesome figure from the RID 2001 line that was initially designed for Beast Machines... Megatron Megabolt.
It's got gimmicks galore for a Deluxe. Moving legs, Flip-Down Battle Mask with "Head Cannon", oh and the best one... the Alt. Mode can become the head of Brave Maximus!
#Transformers #RID2001 #Megatron #Megabolt #BeastMachines #ToyPhotography #Hasbro
#transformers #rid2001 #megatron #megabolt #beastmachines #toyphotography #hasbro