Excellent! As a finger-taker’s son, I read with sickened glee the ignored communications of my many former fathers, for i haven’t the stomach to suffer their voices or faces or odors. I and mine are “missed,” a fair trade of discomforture. This article is filling food for thought. Thanks! #defriend #neverbefriend #ridicule #shame
#defriend #neverbefriend #ridicule #shame
Ah mais ce ne sont pas des machos les chinois de #xiomi mais un peu quand même, Quelle belle photo de l'aéropage autour du fondateur.
#Fox is an #illiberal, #amoral #propaganda machine. By all means, #picket it, write #complaints, #ridicule people who do watch it.
But letting the #government decide who gets to #speak and who doesn't is NOT something you should be cheering for. #Censorship is a dangerous road; we've seen where it leads.
What if the next government decides that *your* #media is "#hate #speech" and #blocks it from airing, while letting Fox or OAN on-air?
#fox #illiberal #amoral #propaganda #picket #complaints #ridicule #government #speak #censorship #media #hate #speech #blocks #slippery #Slope
A quotation from Havel, Vaclav:
Anyone who takes himself too seriously always runs the risk of looking ridiculous; anyone who can consistently laugh at himself does not.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #laugher #ridicule #self-awareness #seriousness #takeseriously
#quote #quotes #quotation #laugher #ridicule #self #seriousness #takeseriously
Par comparaison, la plus haute tour du monde est actuellement la Burj Khalifa #BurjKhalifa (828m) à Dubaï, EAU🇦🇪 #petitkiki. La Jeddah Tower #JeddahTower (Arabie Saoudite), en construction (2025), mesurera 1001m de haut #petitkikiaussi 😋 🇨🇵 Tour Eiffel 300m #ridicule.
#burjkhalifa #petitkiki #jeddahtower #petitkikiaussi #ridicule
Klopt @harld en daarom moeten we meer met #ridicule #humor antwoorden op die lieden, want die #discussies hebben geen zin.
Ik begin: 'ik heb het koud vandaag en ik heb mijn jasje aan omdat ik de #verwarming niet wil aanzetten'. 😂
#verwarming #discussies #humor #ridicule
A quotation from Dickens, Charles:
Some people laughed to see the alteration in him, but he let them laugh, and little heeded them; for he was wise enough to know that nothing ever happened on this globe, for good, at which some people did not have their fill of laughter in the outset; and knowing that such as these would be blind anyway, he thought it qui…
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #grin #joy #laughter #ridicule
Ridicule is the tribute paid to the genius by the mediocrities.
-- Oscar Wilde
#quotes #oscarwilde #ridicule #photography #panorama #kayak #everglades #florida
A quotation from Goethe, Johann von:
Human beings reveal their character most clearly by what they find ridiculous.
[Durch nichts bezeichnen die Menschen mehr ihren Charakter als durch das, was sie lächerlich finden.]
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #character #humor #laughter #mockery #ridicule
#quote #quotes #quotation #character #Humor #laughter #mockery #ridicule
La #vanité de @Fabien_Roussel le rend #ridicule ET #traitre au @PCF 🤡
RT @paul_denton
Au salon de l'agriculture, Roussel tape un boeuf avec ses copains de droite entre deux critiques de la Nupes: "Ça, c’est des bons de la gauche républicaine comme on les aime", lui lance le député LR Philippe Gosselin. Le patron du PC, sourit, gêné... https://www.liberation.fr/politique/au-salon-de-lagriculture-fabien-roussel-tape-encore-sur-ses-allies-de-gauche-20230302_HJONVBHA4RD7TKKPV3PU3SJ45A/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/paul_denton/status/1631323794378747906
Les "intellectuels médiatiques français" sont une arnaque qui repousse les chaînes de Ponzi loin, très loin https://twitter.com/TonAmiSkynet/status/1629461805884923905 #france #intelligence #ridicule #humour
#humour #ridicule #intelligence #france
"Don’t insult the alligator till you’ve crossed the stream." — Country Expression — — — #CountryExpression #quote #quotes #insult #demean #offend #ridicule #danger #safety #quip #snarky
#countryexpression #quote #quotes #insult #demean #offend #ridicule #danger #safety #quip #snarky
CTV News Edmonton asked who wrote the tweet and what the intention behind sharing it was but has yet to receive a response.
Minister Nicholas Milliken criticized for 'false' info on homelessness | CTV News https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/alta-mental-health-and-addiction-minister-criticized-for-sharing-false-info-on-homelessness-1.6222620 #abpoli #homeless #ridicule #MentalhealthMinister #discrimination #cruelty
#abpoli #homeless #ridicule #mentalhealthminister #discrimination #cruelty
@AvvieLanche @DrJackBrown honestly does it matter? Even in the #asking of such a question is a flag in the street that the asker doesn't see the issue and in something as serious as this, the lack of whatever it is that makes humans human is available to be looked for then looked at, and y'all wonder why you got #Trump and #ridicule.
Metaverse ridiculousness
#metaverse #stupid #ridicule #marketing
#metaverse #stupid #ridicule #marketing
Many great ideas have been lost because the people who had them could not stand being laughed at.
RT @masciparis: "La tentative de soigner toutes les faiblesses morales de la #société avec l'#éthique (c'est-à-dire avec une réflexion sur la morale) confine au #ridicule" #niklasluhmann
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ferrarailgrasso/status/1580248215483428865
#société #Éthique #ridicule #niklasluhmann
Qu’il se rassure : le #ridicule ne tue pas @BrunoLeMaire
Il regrette le “ricanement généralisé” autour de son col roulé - Valeurs actuelles https://www.valeursactuelles.com/politique/bruno-le-maire-regrette-le-ricanement-generalise-autour-de-son-col-roule