I’m really enjoying the remake of Ridiculous Fishing on #AppleArcade. Super fun and nostalgic. But I’m stumped on the last fish in the Fish-o-pedia. I assume it’s a “friend” because it’s between the green friend and the yella’ friend in the list… any idea?
I’ve caught every other fish! #RidiculousFishing
#AppleArcade #ridiculousfishing
Me, my older daughter and my boy all sitting on the sofa playing #RidiculousFishing 🎣🐟🐠
These are great gets for Apple Arcade!
Slay the Spire, Stardew Valley, and Ridiculous Fishing remaster coming to Apple Arcade https://www.polygon.com/23775129/apple-arcade-july-2023-slay-the-spire-stardew-valley-ridiculous-fishing
#SlayTheSpire #StardewValley #RidiculousFishing #AppleArcade #Apple #iOS #iPadOS #macOS #tvOS #GamingNews
#slaythespire #stardewvalley #ridiculousfishing #applearcade #apple #ios #ipados #macos #tvos #gamingnews