There is this really awesome series on YouTube about the Riemann-Zeta function which is currently running and seems to want to explain all the mathematic objects related to it properly it would be awesome if you could show the video series some love while it's running.
#mathematics #mathstodon #primenumbers #riemann #zetafunction
#mathematics #mathstodon #primenumbers #riemann #zetafunction
Do you use #syslog_ng to send data to #Riemann? There was a bug in riemann-c-client, which was fixed by @smortex . Client packages are now updated with the fix in all my syslog-ng RPM repos for @fedora / #RHEL & @opensuse / #SLES:
#syslog_ng #riemann #rhel #sles #fedora #epel
#AlexKontorovich - The #RiemannHypothesis Explained
#PhilosophyOfMathematics #Math #Maths #Mathematics #BernhardRiemann #Riemann #Prime #Primes #PrimeNumbers #ComplexNumbers #ImaginaryNumbers #ComplexPlane #QuantaMagazine
#quantamagazine #complexplane #ImaginaryNumbers #complexnumbers #primenumbers #primes #prime #riemann #bernhardriemann #mathematics #maths #math #PhilosophyOfMathematics #riemannhypothesis #alexkontorovich
Unexpected 3 points against #RBLeipzig for the #vflbochum. What a drama and fight in the last 20 minutes, but a fantastic performance of our goalie #Riemann ensured the win. Guess I need the next three hours to calm down :)
#RBLeipzig #VfLBochum #riemann #bundesliga #Abstiegskampf #mastodonfc
"Riemann’s Seminal Lecture on Non-Euclidean Geometry" by Areeba Merriam 👉 🔗
#Riemann #SeminalLecture #NonEuclideanGeometry #EuclideanGeometry #Gravity #DifferentialGeometry #Relativity #GeneralRelativity #SpecialRelativity #RiemannianGeometry #Tensor #Minkowski #HermannMinkowski #Spacetime #Space #Time #Curvature #Klein #Jacobi #Dirichlet #Gauss #Hypersurface #EllipticGeometry #Geometry #Physics #Topology #Hyperspace #Einstein #AlbertEinstein #Isaacson #MichioKaku #Kaku
#Kaku #michiokaku #isaacson #alberteinstein #einstein #hyperspace #topology #physics #geometry #ellipticgeometry #hypersurface #gauss #dirichlet #jacobi #klein #curvature #time #space #spacetime #hermannminkowski #minkowski #tensor #riemanniangeometry #specialrelativity #generalrelativity #relativity #differentialgeometry #gravity #EuclideanGeometry #NoneuclideanGeometry #seminallecture #riemann
The Riemann hypothesis, explained by Jørgen Veisdal: 🔗
\[\zeta(s)=0;\ s\notin2\mathbb{Z}^-\implies\Re(s)=\dfrac{1}{2}\]
#RiemannHypothesis #Riemann #Hypothesis #Atiyah #NumberTheory #Conjecture #AnalyticNumberTheory #Mathematics #CantorsParadise #OpenProblem #UnsolvedProblem #PrimeNumber #RiemannZetaFunction #ZetaFunction #NonTrivialZero #LogarithmicIntegral #XiFunction #PrimeNumberTheorem #PrimeNumberDistribution #PrimeCountingFunction #GammaFunction
#gammafunction #primecountingfunction #primenumberdistribution #primenumbertheorem #xifunction #logarithmicintegral #nontrivialzero #zetafunction #riemannzetafunction #primenumber #unsolvedproblem #openproblem #cantorsparadise #mathematics #analyticnumbertheory #conjecture #numbertheory #atiyah #hypothesis #riemann #riemannhypothesis
"Who Pioneers the Concept of 4-Dimensional Spacetime" by Areeba Merriam 🔗
#Spacetime #Time #Space #FourDimensionalSpacetime #RelativisticMechanics #NewtonianMechanics #EuclideanGeometry #HyperbolicGeometry #AlbertEinstein #Einstein #DavidHilbert #Hilbert #Lobachevsky #Riemann #Bolyai #HermannMinkowski #Minkowski #Poincaré #Framework #Relativity #GeneralRelativity #SpecialRelativity #Geometry #Mathematics #RelativisticPhysics
#relativisticphysics #mathematics #geometry #specialrelativity #generalrelativity #relativity #framework #poincare #minkowski #hermannminkowski #bolyai #riemann #lobachevsky #hilbert #DavidHilbert #einstein #alberteinstein #HyperbolicGeometry #EuclideanGeometry #newtonianmechanics #relativisticmechanics #fourdimensionalspacetime #space #time #spacetime
#math #science #work #conjecture #open #riemann #go #amateur
Let us call hyper abundant an integer \(n\) for which there exists \(u > 0\) such that \[\frac{\sigma(n)}{n \cdot (\log n)^{u}} \geq \frac{\sigma(m)}{m \cdot (\log m)^{u}}\] for all \(m > 1\). We prove that the Riemann hypothesis is true when there exist infinitely many hyper abundant numbers \(n\) with any parameter \(u \gtrapprox 1\), where the symbol \(\gtrapprox\) means "greater than or approximately to".
#amateur #go #riemann #open #conjecture #work #science #math
One day, one decomposition
A002410: Nearest integer to imaginary part of n-th zero of Riemann zeta function
3D graph #threejs #webGL ➡️
2D graph, first 500 terms ➡️
#decompwlj #math #mathematics #sequence #OEIS #javascript #php #3D #number #integer #Riemann #zeta #function #graph
#graph #function #zeta #riemann #integer #number #3d #php #javascript #oeis #sequence #mathematics #math #decompwlj #webgl #threejs
Une conjecture analogue à l’hypothèse de Riemann aurait été résolue
#sciences #mathematiques #riemann
#onlove Manuel #riemann vor Nationaltorwart. Der würde die #onlovebinde sicher tragen #vfl bochum
#onlove #riemann #onlovebinde #VfL
Pradeep Chhetri #SRE at
#Cloudflare sharing their experience with #Riemann for metrics stream processing (and their #Clojure expertise 😉) at #OSMC open source monitoring conference.
#opensource #monitoring #observability
#sre #cloudflare #riemann #clojure #osmc #opensource #monitoring #observability
@grin To expand a bit further, all I need is a simple tool to collect some metrics periodically, push it to #riemann, which I can then query from a custom built dashboard.
No permanent metric storage, no cluster support, no scalability, no complicated filtering and data transformation, no compatibility with other systems, no ad-hoc queries, no alerts, no history. Nada. Just real-time stuff on a dashboard.
End result looks like the image attached, and this is pretty much it. I don't need more.
#SignRelationalManifolds • 4
Another set of notes I found on this theme strikes me as getting to the point more quickly and though they read a little rough in places I think it may be worth the effort to fill out their general line of approach.
#Peirce #Semiotics #SignRelations
#Riemann #SergeLang #Manifolds
#DifferentialGeometry #DifferentialLogic
#DifferentialLogic #differentialgeometry #manifolds #SergeLang #riemann #SignRelations #semiotics #Peirce #RepresentationInvariantOntology #SignRelationalManifolds
Yitang (Tom) Zhang has a breakthrough in solving the Landau-Siegel zeros conjecture, thus partially solving the #Riemann hypothesis within a certain range, in 111 page preprint published yesterday.
#scicom #scitoots #mathtoots #maths #mathematics #math #riemann
Has a #Chinese -born maths professor found a big piece to the #Riemann Hypothesis (a 150-year-old puzzle)?
#Peirce #Kant #Riemann
Applications of #Manifolds are illustrated by the following excerpts from Doolin & Martin's Introduction to #DifferentialGeometry for Engineers.
Manifolds came up in connection with #Ontology and #Semiotics due to the issues of #Perspectivity, #OntologicalRelativity, and #Interoperability among multiple ontologies. As I see it, those are the very sorts of problems manifolds were invented to handle.
#interoperability #OntologicalRelativity #Perspectivity #semiotics #ontology #differentialgeometry #manifolds #SignRelationalManifolds #riemann #kant #Peirce
Jedes Mal wenn ich lese, was #Riemann in dieser Saison so anstellt hab ich dieses furchtbar unsympathische Interview in der @11Freunde_Red im Hinterkopf. Jedes Mal wenn ich lese, was #Riemann in dieser Saison so anstellt hab ich dieses furchtbar unsympathische Interview in der @11Freunde_Red im Hinterkopf.
Dear fellow sysadmins, I am in the process of integrating #nut support in #riemann-tools to monitor UPS [1]. I guess each UPS / driver provide slightly different data, and I have access to a limited number of devices. If you can send me what upsc(1) reports for you (`upsc ups-name@ip`), it will help having better support! Send them with links to gist or an e-mail.
Retoot appreciated!