If you are interested in the fantastic Riemann Hypothesis [1] this video gives a nice introduction/overview.
[1] "The Riemann Hypothesis", https://www.ams.org/notices/200303/fea-conrey-web.pdf
#AlexKontorovich - The #RiemannHypothesis Explained
#PhilosophyOfMathematics #Math #Maths #Mathematics #BernhardRiemann #Riemann #Prime #Primes #PrimeNumbers #ComplexNumbers #ImaginaryNumbers #ComplexPlane #QuantaMagazine
#quantamagazine #complexplane #ImaginaryNumbers #complexnumbers #primenumbers #primes #prime #riemann #bernhardriemann #mathematics #maths #math #PhilosophyOfMathematics #riemannhypothesis #alexkontorovich
The Riemann hypothesis, explained by Jørgen Veisdal: 🔗 https://www.cantorsparadise.com/the-riemann-hypothesis-explained-fa01c1f75d3f
\[\zeta(s)=0;\ s\notin2\mathbb{Z}^-\implies\Re(s)=\dfrac{1}{2}\]
#RiemannHypothesis #Riemann #Hypothesis #Atiyah #NumberTheory #Conjecture #AnalyticNumberTheory #Mathematics #CantorsParadise #OpenProblem #UnsolvedProblem #PrimeNumber #RiemannZetaFunction #ZetaFunction #NonTrivialZero #LogarithmicIntegral #XiFunction #PrimeNumberTheorem #PrimeNumberDistribution #PrimeCountingFunction #GammaFunction
#gammafunction #primecountingfunction #primenumberdistribution #primenumbertheorem #xifunction #logarithmicintegral #nontrivialzero #zetafunction #riemannzetafunction #primenumber #unsolvedproblem #openproblem #cantorsparadise #mathematics #analyticnumbertheory #conjecture #numbertheory #atiyah #hypothesis #riemann #riemannhypothesis
Maybe somebody will read this and watch the video, some prodigy, and get themselves a cool £1m by proving the Riemann hypothesis. From YouTube: 'The Riemann hypothesis is the most notorious unsolved problem in all of mathematics. Ever since it was first proposed by Bernhard Riemann in 1859 [...] Alex Kontorovich, professor of mathematics at Rutgers University, breaks it all down in this comprehensive explainer.' #Mathematics #RiemannHypothesis #Video https://youtu.be/zlm1aajH6gY
#mathematics #riemannhypothesis #video
Tried out #ChatGPT today (https://chat.openai.com/chat ). It gives remarkably reasonable-sounding and relevant-looking responses to specialist queries (such as this one regarding the #RiemannHypothesis), even if on closer inspection there isn't any actual deep content.
I'm just back from holidays, any news about #Atiyah's proof of #RiemannHypothesis ?
#math #riemannhypothesis #atiyah