One of my favorites of the many 2001s I bought. I just love the bright acidity in this and the way it constantly is at war with the modest sugar. There is still a touch of tartness. Fresh and youthful, lightly dancing across the tongue, it is not clear that it has even entered a moderately mature stage. A beauty that will certainly outlive me. #wine #winesofgermany #riesling
#wine #winesofgermany #riesling
Interesting. White and red wine grape area in Germany. Until 2006, the white-red gap was shrinking; since then, it has been growing again (in 2022, the white share was 68.4%). #winesofgermany #germanwine #riesling #pinotnoir
#pinotnoir #riesling #germanwine #winesofgermany
Regional breakdown of #riesling and #pinotnoir vineyard areas in #germany
Where Gisbert comes from. #rheingau #weinfest #wiesbaden #riesling #weingutbaronknyphausen #gisbertzuknyphausen #spaziergang
#spaziergang #gisbertzuknyphausen #weingutbaronknyphausen #riesling #Wiesbaden #Weinfest #Rheingau
Es gibt nicht nur guten Wein auf dem Rheingau Weinfest in Wiesbaden sondern auch erstaunlich gute Musik. #weinfest #rheingau #riesling #wiesbaden #musik #spaziergang
#spaziergang #musik #Wiesbaden #riesling #Rheingau #Weinfest
Der erste alkoholfreie Riesling meines Lebens auf dem Rheingau Weinfest in Wiesbaden. Lässt sich gut trinken. #weinfest #rheingau #riesling #wiesbaden #spaziergang
#spaziergang #Wiesbaden #riesling #Rheingau #Weinfest
The World's Most Expensive Rieslings on @WineSearcher #wine #riesling #winelover #winelovers #wein #weinliebhaber
#wine #riesling #winelover #winelovers #wein #weinliebhaber
Auf der Mauer, auf der Lauer.... #mauereidechse #rheingau #spaziergang #riesling #weinbergsmauer
#weinbergsmauer #riesling #spaziergang #Rheingau #mauereidechse
Ziel erreicht. Jetzt Riesling mit Rheinblick in Eltville. Der Wein heißt Lebensfreude. #eltville #rheingau #riesling #spaziergang #rhein
#rhein #spaziergang #riesling #Rheingau #eltville
Tagesurlaub im Rheingau, endlich mal wieder. Der Riesling hat ordentlich Säure, aber das mag ich ja. #rheingau #riesling #spaziergang
#spaziergang #riesling #Rheingau
#wine had a nice dinner with friends on Saturday. We started off with a #Soave classico, it was gorgeous. Soave is so underrated, people should really give it a go, one of the best whites from #italy. We then moved to a #Riesling and this was... Odd. The smell was putting us off a bit, reminded us of open fields and cattle. The taste saved it a bit, it was very honey rich. I'll try other Rieslings in the future, hopefully I'll find one more to my taste. #winelover #winetasting #winegeek
#wine #soave #italy #riesling #winelover #winetasting #winegeek
Global #Riesling Vineyard Area by Country, 2016. Germany is a distant #1; followed by the U.S., France, and Australia. Surprisingly, there are only 13 ha of Riesling in Switzerland.
#VesselAlert #Ship #Vessel #AIS
Name: #RIESLING #MMSI: #338317626
Type: #Pilot vessel
#Flag: #USA Msgs recvd: 10
Seen on: 21-Jul-2023 10:58:50 EDT
Heading: 72 deg
Signal #RSSI: -30.6 dBFS
Vessel location:
#kx1t Join us!
#vesselalert #ship #vessel #ais #riesling #mmsi #pilot #flag #usa #rssi #kx1t
#VesselAlert #Ship #Vessel #AIS
Name: #RIESLING #MMSI: #338317626
Type: #Pilot vessel
#Flag: #USA Msgs recvd: 10
Seen on: 20-Jul-2023 10:54:23 EDT
Speed: 0.2 kts Heading: 106 deg
Signal #RSSI: -29.4 dBFS
Vessel location:
#kx1t Join us!
#vesselalert #ship #vessel #ais #riesling #mmsi #pilot #flag #usa #rssi #kx1t
#VesselAlert #Ship #Vessel #AIS #NEW #FIRST Observation
Name: #RIESLING #MMSI: #338317626
#Flag: #USA Msgs recvd: 10
Seen on: 18-Jul-2023 15:20:28 EDT
Speed: 6.1 kts Heading: 286 deg
Signal #RSSI: -32.1 dBFS
Vessel location:
#kx1t Join us!
#vesselalert #ship #vessel #ais #new #first #riesling #mmsi #flag #usa #rssi #kx1t
So fine, this has a little complexity with age, but it does not give a hint of giving up the ghost. Delicious, nuanced and surprisingly lush.
#wine #winesofgermany. #riesling @muellercatoir
#wine #winesofgermany #riesling