Rift continues: Telangana Guv finds fault with MLC nominations #Rift #TelanganaGuv #MLC #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #MLC #TelanganaGuv #rift
From Hydaelyn to Veeshan: A Tribute to Creators
It's creator appreciation week, and I'm appreciating the creation myths of the most popular MMOs in the world!
#Blaugust #Blaugust2023 #DCUniverseOnline #everquest #FinalFantasyXIV #GuildWars #LordOfTheRings #OldSchoolRunescape #Rift #TheElderScrollsOnline #WorldOfWarcraft #creator
#blaugust #blaugust2023 #dcuniverseonline #everquest #finalfantasyxiv #guildwars #lordoftherings #oldschoolrunescape #rift #theelderscrollsonline #worldofwarcraft #creator
Google Earth VR
• 5-star rating • PCVR • Rift/Quest Link • Education • Travel
Google Earth in virtual reality is an essential experience for anyone with a degree of curiosity. Spin the planet like it's your own personal giant blue marble, then dive into any destination of your choice. Visit famous landmarks, fly through the Grand Canyon or see your own backyard from an entirely unique perspective.
#VR #VirtualReality #Maps #Google #GoogleMaps #Rift #MetaQuest #PCVR
#pcvr #metaquest #rift #googlemaps #Google #maps #virtualreality #vr
@belghast I stay on #Rift and say that Slivers would be nice to see elsewhere. Get the story of the raids in a solo / 2 player form.
On the subject of IAs and Slivers, the work they did to convert the Hammerknell raid to an IA was pretty awesome too. That was always much better than whatever random zone that other IAs would drop you in.
A throwback to 2016 when our #cat got fed up with waiting for attention from me in my #rift #CatsOfMastodon
The news organisation has made a documentary film, 'India…Who Lit The Fuse', which allegedly portrays the Muslim minority of India living with a sense of fear
#ApprehensionsExpressed #Baseless #AllahabadHCRestrains #AlJazeera #DocumentaryFilm #Rift #Communities
#apprehensionsexpressed #baseless #allahabadhcrestrains #aljazeera #documentaryfilm #rift #communities
The PTI reporter’s exit will end India’s media presence from the world's second largest economy at a moment of deteriorating relations
#Journalist #China #Rift #NewDelhi #Beijing #Report
#journalist #china #rift #newdelhi #beijing #report
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2023-06-unusual-deformation-earth-largest-continental.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2023-06-unusual-deformation-earth-largest-continental.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/physorg_com/status/1666509886673305607#m
Study explains unusual deformation in Earth's largest continental #rift https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2020GL090483 https://phys.org/news/2023-06-unusual-deformation-earth-largest-continental.html
The Official, Scientific, 2023 List of Popular MMORPGs
#Aion #AllodsOnline #BlackDesertOnline #DarkAgesOfCamelot #DCUniverseOnline #DungeonsDragonsOnline #EliteDangerous #EvEOnline #EverQuest #EverQuest2 #FFXIV #FinalFantasyXI #FinalFantasyXIV #GuildWars #LordOfTheRings #LostArk #MapleStory #MMOs #Neverwinter #NewWorld #OldSchoolRunescape #Pirate101 #ProjectGorgon #RealmOfTheMadGod #Rift #RunesOfM
#aion #allodsonline #blackdesertonline #darkagesofcamelot #dcuniverseonline #dungeonsdragonsonline #elitedangerous #eveonline #everquest #everquest2 #ffxiv #finalfantasyxi #finalfantasyxiv #guildwars #lordoftherings #lostark #maplestory #mmos #neverwinter #newworld #oldschoolrunescape #pirate101 #projectgorgon #realmofthemadgod #rift #runesofm
Syria, Saudi Arabia welcome thaw after over decade rift
#Syria #SaudiArabia #rift #thaw #protests #civilwar #drugtrafficking
#drugtrafficking #civilwar #protests #thaw #rift #saudiarabia #Syria
ICYMI: BGM Podcast 165 - RIFT
@BilAntoniou & @AndersYates are forced to talk about Sweden and Flying since #Rift doesn't inspire much conversation on @BadGayMovies
BGM Podcast 165 - RIFT
@BilAntoniou & @AndersYates are forced to talk about Sweden and Flying since #Rift doesn't inspire much conversation on @BadGayMovies
MOP Podcast 411: #ThroneandLiberty, #NewWorld, #Wayfinder, #DDO, #RIFT, #LOTRO, #ElderScrollsOnline, #SWGLegends, & more from the best #MMORPG podcast in town! https://massivelyop.com/2023/02/28/massively-op-podcast-episode-411-the-way-to-wayfinder
#throneandliberty #newworld #wayfinder #ddo #rift #lotro #elderscrollsonline #swglegends #mmorpg
One Shots: That moment when you missed your cruise ship’s departure - this week featuring #RIFT #LOTRO #ElderScrollsOnline @GuildWars2 & #DDO
#rift #lotro #elderscrollsonline #ddo
RIFT kicks off Carnival of the Ascended in celebration of its 12th birthday https://massivelyop.com/2023/02/23/rift-kicks-off-carnival-of-the-ascended-in-celebration-of-its-12th-birthday #RIFT
Free 15 days of patron pass in RIFT starting today.
Gamigo is granting 15 free days of sub time to new and returning RIFT players https://massivelyop.com/2023/02/21/gamigo-is-granting-15-free-days-of-sub-time-to-new-and-returning-rift-players #Gamigo #RIFT