#rpgaday2023 Lieblingsspiel, das ich nie spielen kann? #Shadowrun, weil ich einen totalen Soft-Spot für diese "A-Team-im-Schamanen-Cyberpunk"-Nummer habe, aber damit in meinem Umfeld ganz alleine bin. #Rifts, weil es ganz bestimmt das geilste Rollenspiel unter der Sonne ist, aber diese Regeln und diese 79 Weltenbände tut sich außer mir keiner an.
#rpgaday2023 #shadowrun #rifts
Ich gehe gerade Quellenmaterial über #Drachen in #RIFTS und #Palladium durch, um den #Drachenschlüpfling auszuarbeiten. Habe mir inzwischen zusätzlich den Quellenband über Götter und Drachen für #Palladium bei #DTRPG geholt.
Ich wiederhole mich, aber Drachen sind eine abgefahrene Sache für sich: magisch, interdimensional, extrem intelligent, machtvoll und eine Mischung aus drachischem und menschlichem Verhalten in der Form eines voll ausgestatteten, gefährlichen Raubtiers.
#drachen #rifts #palladium #drachenschlupfling #dtrpg #pnpde #rollenspiel
Hat jemand von #Palladium die #Rifts-Bücher und könnte mir den Abschnitt über Drachen zugänglich machen? Ich meine, dass es im Bestiarium etwas zu denen gab, auch zu Schlüpflingen. #pnpde
Just released: Rifts Combat Rules Cheat Sheet by Andriod
Download it free at http://www.cheatography.com/andriod/cheat-sheets/rifts-combat-rules/?utm_source=mastodon
Here's their description of it: Combat rules for Rifts by Kevin Sembieda published by Palladium Books.
#cheatsheet #cheatsheets #rpg #rifts
This is April in her Glitter Bun Mk V suit! It doesn't have the Boom Gun of the Mk I, but it's covered in little jets for orbital maneuvering.
Okay yeah, so she took a Glitter Boy Mk V and enlarged the chest so it'd close over her bust and turned the sensor/microlaser unit into bunny ears. You gotta problem with that?
Great pic by https://inkbunny.net/magnamorous
#armor #power_armor #rabbit #glitter_bun #glitter_boy #rifts #busty #shiny #manga_style
#armor #power_armor #rabbit #glitter_bun #glitter_boy #rifts #busty #shiny #manga_style
#TTRPG friends (god, how many other freakin hashtags does one even want here? #DND #DungeonsAndDragons I guess #ADND isn't a thing anymore, sob, #old; #Shadowrun #RIFTS #Pathfinder etc etc):
Where do y'all like buying #dice from? I dug up my old preteen "set", which is even more pathetic & mismatched than I remembered, but I kinda want something nicer for the handful of times I'll sit around by myself rolling up new characters for funsies. Also just retail therapy.
#ttrpg #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #adnd #old #shadowrun #rifts #pathfinder #dice
I'm still grinding thru the Glitterbois podcast. Up to #57
#rpg #ttrpg #rifts
In the early 90s, I would, occasionally, stop by my old friend Dave's house. He had a lot of odds and ends. He had a pet ferret. I always enjoyed reading through his collection of RIFTs source books. We never got around to playing a game, but they were interesting to read. And filled with lots of off the wall artwork.
Rifts tonight. The party battled Guinevere and destroyed her but they took heavy damage. The Lizard Folk Paladin almost lost his beloved mount and our City Rat was unarmored by the end of it. One more hit would have been very bad. They won the day though! A great end of year game. #rifts #ttrpg
Rifts tonight was a lot of fun. A contingent of King Arthur's pinned down knights was rescued. The Ley Line Walker got to close more rifts to Hades. Our City Rat turned power armor pilot blasted her way through a gargoyle patrol. A turncoat imp joined the party and provided intelligence against the armies of Hades. And our Lizard Folk Palladin battled a Demon Bat to the death in the skies and on the field of Avebury. #ttrpgs #Rifts
So I brought the Minion War between Hades and Dyval to Rifts Earth. My players are having a wonderful time slaughtering demons and they made some enemies by destroying Andros the Marquis of Hades. The Demons have learned to fear power armor now. #ttrpg #rifts #palladiumbooks
Getting ready to run a Rifts adventure tonight. Something quiet like a slice of life in a goblin farming community I think.
A restful beat after the assassin shootout last week.
#ttrpgs #Rifts #palladiumbooks
#palladiumbooks #rifts #ttrpgs
After Thanksgiving I think work is going to slow down for me until probably March, so I think it's finally time to start up the highly episodic #Rifts game using the #SavageWorlds ruleset that I've been promising my friends I'd run.
I have some general ideas for adventures and the book has an adventure generator, but I don't want to fall into a huge world-shaping quest. I should get people to make characters and let that help steer my prep.
I have no idea what I'm doing 😂 I was only given a handful of servers I could join.
I chose #Australia, because I lived there in 2003 when I got my teaching degree. I lived in #Kingswood #Penrith #NSW
I have briefly lived in #Southampton England to teach Years 7-9 but I identify more with my time in Australia.
I'm actually #Canadian in #Toronto and have seen #StarTrekDiscovery shoot on my street/neighborhood along with #TheBoys #HandmaidsTale #UmbrellaAcademy #AmericanGods #TheExpanse #Titans I'm not up to date on HT, Titans and haven't seen Expanse. #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds shoots here too. 🖖
I play #DnD on Saturdays. We prefer #Foundry & #DungeonAlchemist but our DM likes #Roll20 and blends 2E with 5E. We've also tried #Rifts #Cortex #Marvel RPGs too. 😁🧝🎲📜⚔️
I tend to watch #trashtv like #blingempire #loveisblind #indianmatchmaking #toohottohandle and reality shows like #survivor #dancingwiththestars when my brain has gone kaput for the day/night 😜
I recently watched #FromScratch as I'm half #Sicilian (and half #Chinese ) and have been to my ancestral home in #TerminiImmerse ) It reminds me of #ThisIsUs and #GreysAnatomy and made me cry. I love #ZoeSaldana though. 🤩
One of my favorite actors is #MattSmith He's my Doctor from #DoctorWho and I thought he was brilliant in #TheCrown and #HouseOfTheDragon We met at #FanExpo 🤩
I came here because I like #AnthonyRapp too 😁 apparently we're supposed to use hashtags. I hope I'm doing this right 😜😁
#australia #kingswood #penrith #nsw #southampton #canadian #toronto #startrekdiscovery #theboys #handmaidstale #umbrellaacademy #americangods #theexpanse #titans #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds #dnd #foundry #dungeonalchemist #roll20 #rifts #cortex #marvel #trashtv #BlingEmpire #LoveIsBlind #IndianMatchmaking #toohottohandle #survivor #dancingwiththestars #fromscratch #sicilian #chinese #terminiimmerse #ThisIsUs #greysanatomy #zoesaldana #mattsmith #doctorwho #thecrown #HouseoftheDragon #fanexpo #anthonyrapp
To avoid confusion with Aquaman who has a second movie coming out, the MCU backstory for Namor now includes a submerged historical city in Mexico.
So like Rifts: Vampire Kingdoms, but Atlantis instead? That sounds really really cool.
#Namor #BlackPanther #BlackPanther2 #BlackPantherWakandaForever #rifts #mcu #vampirekingdoms
#vampirekingdoms #mcu #rifts #BlackPantherWakandaForever #blackpanther2 #blackpanther #namor