Summer Rigel
And now you know why DO's wing was CONVIENTLY IN THE WAY in the previous pic (
Rigel doing Rigel things*
*Rigel takes no responsibility for any transformation that may occur because you're not Rigel
#Rigel #pooltoy #inflatable #male #EasternDragon #beach #cock
#rigel #pooltoy #inflatable #male #easterndragon #beach #cock
Blaue Riesensterne: Nimm Zwei! by Karl Urban #Astronomie #Astrophysik #Bellatrix #Beteigeuze #Doppelsterne #Eisen #Galaxie #Mintaka #Modell #Nukleosynthese #Orion #Rigel #RoterÜberriese #RoterZwerg #SelmadeMink #Simulation #Sonne #Stern #Sternentwicklung #Sternstruktur #Sternwind #Supernova #Wasserstoff #WeißerZwerg #Weltall #AstroGeoVodcast #podcast #bot Sterne gibt es entweder im Miniaturformat: Von Roten Zwergen über die uns vertrauten sonn…
#astronomie #astrophysik #bellatrix #Beteigeuze #doppelsterne #eisen #galaxie #mintaka #modell #nukleosynthese #orion #rigel #roteruberriese #roterzwerg #selmademink #simulation #sonne #stern #sternentwicklung #sternstruktur #sternwind #supernova #wasserstoff #WeißerZwerg #weltall #astrogeovodcast #podcast #bot
Right now, Sardelli conducts #Fils #Kraus #Rigel, Frederick II and #Haydn in #Ljubjlana #wch
#fils #kraus #rigel #haydn #ljubjlana #wch
In 15 minutes, Sardelli conducts #Fils #Kraus #Rigel, Frederick II and #Haydn in #Ljubjlana #wch
#fils #kraus #rigel #haydn #ljubjlana #wch
Today, Sardelli conducts #Fils #Kraus #Rigel, Frederick II and #Haydn in #Ljubjlana #wch
#fils #kraus #rigel #haydn #ljubjlana #wch
Il y a plus de 20 ans, je suis tombé amoureux de cette région du ciel, et pas que pour mon étoile favorite. Y en a-t-il de plus belle dans l'hémisphère Nord ?
Bon solstice d'hiver à toutes et à tous.
#Orion #Taurus #Betelgeuse #Pleiades #Hyades #Mars #Aldebaran #Rigel
#rigel #aldebaran #mars #hyades #pleiades #betelgeuse #taurus #orion
Wonderful image of my favorite region of the Northern sky during the lunar eclipse of November 8th.
Simply gorgeous ! Congratulations @astrofalls.
#Betelgeuse #Orion #LunarEclipse #Taurus #Pleiades #Mars #Hyades #Rigel #Bellatrix #Horsehead #Flame #M42 #BarnardsLoop
As the moon dips behind the shadow of the earth, the stars and nebula of the night sky begin to show themselves. Here is how that looks to a deep sky camera setup!
#barnardsloop #m42 #flame #horsehead #bellatrix #rigel #hyades #mars #pleiades #taurus #lunareclipse #orion #betelgeuse