Activists Indicted For Promoting "Social Solidarity" & "Altruism"!
#HurricaneLee #activists #indicted #solidarity #altruism #riggedelections #more
#hurricanelee #activists #indicted #solidarity #altruism #riggedelections #more
You didn't expect it to be different this time "Charlie Brown", did you?
"The presidential rematch many Americans say they don’t want is..." #Biden #Trump #Selections2024 #RiggedElections
#biden #trump #selections2024 #riggedelections
#EVMs cab be rigged and manipulated using multiple methods. They can also be switched altogether with different votes than as given by Indians. But till Indian citizens demand for its fair analysis, nothing would change says Visionary #PraveenDalal. #DigitalIndia #RiggedElections #IndianElections
#evms #praveendalal #digitalindia #riggedelections #indianelections
The #TwitterFiles disclosures continue at an impressive clip, increasingly focusing on the close involvement of Federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies in curtailing and blocking Administration/Democrat-threatening lines of thought, such as interest in the #HunterBidenLaptop or hostility to vaccine mandates. These revelations are as significant as the Pentagon Papers," #Twitter #ElectionRigging #RiggedElections
#twitterfiles #hunterbidenlaptop #twitter #ElectionRigging #riggedelections
pour éviter les découpages abusifs de bureaux électoraux, on pourrait rendre la pratique illégale en obligeant la publication des plans de découpe, en les historisant, et en sanctionnant lourdement les gens qui enfreignent ces règles anti trucage.
on pourrait aussi compter moins bêtement les votes avec un scrutin qui empêche mécaniquement ce genre de chose.
#gerrymandering #GOP #riggedelections #cheating #VOTE #midterm #midterms #election
#gerrymandering #gop #riggedelections #cheating #vote #midterm #midterms #election
America, it seems like a REALLY good time to re-state my absolute amazement that you haven’t made this kind of election cheating illegal. #gerrymandering #GOP #riggedelections #cheating #VOTE
#gerrymandering #gop #riggedelections #cheating #vote
America, it seems like a REALLY good time to re-state my absolute amazement that you haven’t made this kind of election cheating illegal. #gerrymandering #GOP #riggedelections #cheating #VOTE
#gerrymandering #gop #riggedelections #cheating #vote
America, it seems like a REALLY good time to re-state my absolute amazement that you haven’t made this kind of election cheating illegal. #gerrymandering #GOP #riggedelections #cheating #VOTE #midterm #midterms #election
#election #midterms #midterm #Vote #cheating #riggedelections #GOP #gerrymandering