RT @termite_terry@twitter.com
@QuentinDempster@twitter.com @MChandlerMather@twitter.com @Greens@twitter.com @AlboMP@twitter.com Landlords are gouging renters by converting residential housing into commercial holiday rentals. Airbnb boasts we are their "most penetrated market in the world"; those profiteering from STRs don't dare mention this devastation on our housing supply/affordability. #Right2Housing
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/termite_terry/status/1671030358937321472
#Berlinwahl Wahlprüfstein Wohnen: #CDU, #FDP, #noAfD lehnen die Umsetzung des Mieten-Volksentscheids geschlossen ab. 🤢 Wie sich die anderen Wahlkandidierenden [SPD, Grüne, Linke] des eigenen Wahlkreises positionieren, erfährt man, wenn man in die Suchmaske seine Straße und Hausnummer eingibt
#DWenteignen #Berlin #right2housing
#berlinwahl #cdu #fdp #noafd #dwenteignen #berlin #right2housing
Praktisch. Ein Wahltool für die #BerlinWahl: "Wer unterstützt die Umsetzung des Mietenvolkentscheids 👍 und wer nicht 👎 ? https://dwenteignen.de/wahltool.html #right2housing #DWenteignen
#berlinwahl #right2housing #dwenteignen
DIRITTO ALL’ABITARE #right2housing – Incontro Pubblico
Venerdì 17 febbraio | ore 18.30, viale Ramazzini 33, #reggioemilia
Dibattito pubblico con
- Ilaria Boniburini - architetta/urbanista redattrice di eddyburg.it
- Antonella Amadei - Sportello per il diritto all'abitare Làbas & LUNA Bologna
- Membri dell'assemblea "La casa è un diritto" R
#right2housing #reggioemilia #comunicati #eventi #iniziative
‼️ BIG NEWS ‼️
The National Indigenous Housing Network, Women's National Housing and Homelessness Network, + Aboriginal Housing Management Association demand a national state of emergency be declared regarding the failure to eliminate homelessness amongst Indigenous women, girls, & Two-Spirit people in Canada.
#housing #homelessness #housingcrisis #right2housing
#UrbanPlanning & #Architecture scholar and activist. Working on #SpatialJustice #CommunityPlanning #RadicalPlanning #FeministPlanning studying #Housing #Right2Housing #Displacement #Gentrification #UrbanCulture #Subculture
I also play #bass & vox in #punk band Bad Missionary (and new band coming soon).
#introduction #UrbanPlanning #architecture #spatialjustice #communityplanning #radicalplanning #feministplanning #housing #right2housing #displacement #gentrification #urbanculture #subculture #bass #punk #ottawa #ottcity #delaella
NETCOproject is inviting you to join the webinar: #CollaborativeHousing a key local policy in COVID times in cooperation with #ViaCoop
This Thursday, November 24 11:30-13:00 CET
✅ To attend you need to sign up under this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe8e6xyGgMepA6aEvwfwuPoSsnaLD2TeovgGSS98HGzuvyG1Q/viewform
#collaborativehousing #viacoop #right2housing
NETCOproject is inviting you to join the webinar: #CollaborativeHousing a key local policy in COVID times in cooperation with #ViaCoop
This Thursday, November 24 11:30-13:00 CET
✅ To attend you need to sign up under this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe8e6xyGgMepA6aEvwfwuPoSsnaLD2TeovgGSS98HGzuvyG1Q/viewform
#collaborativehousing #viacoop #right2housing
The debate between representatives of Barcelona, Berlin and Brussels on #CollaborativeHousing organized by @NETCOproject at the #ViaCoop will be online and in English (there will be no simultaneous translation 😢)
🔹You can sign up to attend and participate with your question at this link.
Come to learn, share, debate and claim collaborative ways to guarantee the #right2housing.
#collaborativehousing #viacoop #right2housing
The debate between representatives of Barcelona, Berlin and Brussels on #CollaborativeHousing organized by @NETCOproject at the #ViaCoop will be online and in English (there will be no simultaneous translation 😢)
🔹You can sign up to attend and participate with your question at this link.
Come to learn, share, debate and claim collaborative ways to guarantee the #right2housing.
#collaborativehousing #viacoop #right2housing
🗓️ This 25, 26 and 27 Nov will be held in Barcelona the #ViaCoop.
🏘️Public, cooperative and community prepare the leap in scale of #collaborativehousing, a solid model to guarantee the #right2housing
☺️It will also be our "public presentation "
On Thursday24-11:30h, to warm up engines before the #ViaCoop, our coordinator Maite Arrondo will moderate: "Collaborative housing as a key local policy in times of COVID"
#viacoop #collaborativehousing #right2housing
🗓️ This 25, 26 and 27 Nov will be held in Barcelona the #ViaCoop.
🏘️Public, cooperative and community prepare the leap in scale of #collaborativehousing, a solid model to guarantee the #right2housing
☺️It will also be our "public presentation "
On Thursday24-11:30h, to warm up engines before the #ViaCoop, our coordinator Maite Arrondo will moderate: "Collaborative housing as a key local policy in times of COVID"
#viacoop #collaborativehousing #right2housing
🗓️ This 25, 26 and 27 Nov will be held in Barcelona the #ViaCoop.
🏘️Public, cooperative and community prepare the leap in scale of #collaborativehousing, a solid model to guarantee the #right2housing
☺️It will also be our "public presentation "
On Thursday24-11:30h, to warm up engines before the #ViaCoop, our coordinator Maite Arrondo will moderate: "Collaborative housing as a key local policy in times of COVID"
#viacoop #collaborativehousing #right2housing
La manifestazione si è conclusa in piazza Prampolini dove abbiamo incontrato l'assessore alla casa Lanfranco de Franco portando le istanze sollevate dal corteo.
Usciamo dall'incontro con l'inizio di un lavoro fra le parti che si sviluppa nella convocazione di tre tavoli in cui noi saremo presenti: con i sindacati dei proprietari e degli inquilini per trovare soluzione all'accesso del mercato privato degli affitti, con Acer per l'edilizia pubblica e per la valorizzazione dell'agenzia sociale e con Iren in merito alla necessità di garantire delle utenze minime per morosità incolpevole #right2housing 2/2
Oggi in tante e tanti alla manifestazione LA CASA E' UN DIRITTO- #right2housing a #reggioemilia. Molti gli interventi e le testimonianze. Un corpo sociale che è emerso denunciando la situazione delle case vuote e delle persone senza casa, delle lobby immobiliari che detengono il potere e decidono chi è o meno benvenutə nella nostra città che hanno trasformato la casa da bene primario a rendita.... 1/2
La casa è un diritto! #Right2Housing
per aderire: cittamigrante@gmail.com
Ci siamo ritrovati in assemblea in occasione della giornata delle Persone senza dimora per trattare il tema del diritto all’abitare. È stato un incontro molto partecipato e ric
#manifestazioni #comunicati #reggioemilia #right2housing
RT @RoryHearne
We need a major radical shift in housing
Making a right to housing our guiding policy is key.
I'll be speaking @HomeforGood_ on-line webinar tomorrow 2pm on #right2housing & how you can make a submission to the Housing Commission's consultation
Register https://bit.ly/3oFfqLL
RT @AeJayHendry
...everyone has the #Right2Housing, that everyone has #LiveableIncomes, that holistic health, disability, and mental health services are available to our whānau. We need to invest in our people, our communities, and provide aroha and manaaki to those who are suffering.
#LiveableIncomes #right2housing