We need everyone to speak up and support the bill in the Oregon legislature HB OR3501. They are crawling out of the woodwork from all over the state to ensure this bill does not pass. So we need you to speak up. Please. To support this bill.

#right2rest #R2R #orpol

Last updated 2 years ago

Here's Salem Police Department posting a cute picture with one of their K9s & at the same time they're forcing houseless people away from their campsites during a snow storm and destroying their property while treating humans like trash. But at least the dog is cute.
RT @SalemPoliceDept
It’s another snow day. @salemkeizer are closed but your officers inclu K9 Farrokh are on duty! Lower elevation streets…

#right2rest #salemoregon

Last updated 2 years ago

This is an awesome start, but it should also include the and exclude houseless persons from harassment and unsettling from their campsite. Everyone has a right to sleep & be treated with dignity, throwing money at the problem isn't enough without reform.
A proposed Oregon bill would give $1,000 a month for a year to homeless and low-income people.


#right2rest #orleg #orpol

Last updated 2 years ago