Life Hack: Electricity and magnetism got you confused? Fleming's Right-Hand Rule! 👋🧲⚡️ If you point your thumb, index, and middle fingers in different directions, you've got motion, magnetic field, and current sorted out respectively. It's electromagnetism made easy! #RightHandRule
The right hand rule is a crazy thing.
My notes here:
As always, questions/comments/corrections/* greatly appreciated.
My #EduGlow moment for today.
It’s one of my favourite lessons of Higher Physics.
Moving charge in a magnetic field. Cue a class of kids twisting their hands to work out which way the force points.
Being in Scotland, we call it the right hand rule with electron flow, but I’ve warned them others use conventional current.
#ITeachPhysics #EduTooter #physics #Electromagnetism #RightHandRule
#righthandrule #electromagnetism #physics #edutooter #iteachphysics #EduGlow