En #RightsCon2022 presentamos en modalidad taller la "Herramienta para la Sistematización de Experiencias de Acompañamientos en Fortalecimiento de Capacidades Digitales" 🙌 junto a 15 personas de distintas organizaciones y latitudes.
Aquí algunas notas👇
@privacyint Such important, timely work, as always from PI. But I will not attend (nor participate) until #RightsCon does not take funding from privacy abusers. No one should, for this reason:
Would PI consider making a statement as part of your presentation on your views about #privacywashing? Consider these ideas:
Until more people say something, things won't change.
#cpdp #futureprivacyforum #rightscon2022 @aral @downey @alcinnz
#rightscon #privacywashing #cpdp #futureprivacyforum #rightscon2022
Halfway through #RightsCon2022 and my brain is still defaulting CSO to chief security officer instead of civil society organization
RT @RIAnetwork
Our first session at #RightsCon2022 was off to a great start with the introduction of the @ai_observatory website!
@HSRCza @Sida @huma_africa @PolicyActionZA @IDRC_CRDI @AI4Dev https://twitter.com/ai_observatory/status/1534114163609546752
RT @APC_News@twitter.com
Do you want to build a community network? Let's discuss financing mechanisms for community-owned internet infrastructure.
On Monday, 6 June, at #RightsCon2022
#communitynetworks #rightscon2022
¡Estamos muy felices de participar en #RightsCon2022! 🙌
Puedes registrarte antes del 3 de junio (gratis para sociedad civil) aquí 👉 rightscon.org/register-2022 y encontrarnos en nuestra sesión:
🗓 8 de junio, 11:30 hs. (UTC -5)
Hey previous #RightsCon participants, Access Now is taking money from Amazon, Zoom, Google, and Facebook again for the upcoming conference #rightscon2022.
I think this qualifies as "putting Rightscon's mission at risk" (https://www.rightscon.org/fundingpolicy/), since those companies are a major structural reason that privacy is impossible for many whose rights are threatened. What do you think?