New article: 'The Gewirthian Needs-Based Hierarchy: A Concept for Prioritising Conflicting Norms in International Law' by Marc A. Stuhldreier, Nordic Journal of Human Rights:
#internationallaw #accesstomedicines #righttohealth #legalhierarchy #treatylaw #ip #patentrights #trips #gewirth #humanrights #WTO
International human rights law obligates governments to address the harms and to respect, protect, and fulfill the rights to health, water, access to information, and a healthy environment
#InternationalLaw #RightToHealth #RightToAHealthyEnvironment #HumanRights #LawFedi #Law #LawProfs
#InternationalLaw #righttohealth #righttoahealthyenvironment #humanrights #lawfedi #law #lawprofs