The #Pennsylvania legislature, the only agency that polices itself in #RightToKnow matters, has effectively ignored a legal clause regarding their communications with lobbyists.
Upper Pottsgrove Township Commissioners respond to a PA right-to-know request with 10 pages completely blacked out #RightToKnow
A warm welcome to #Fediverse to @oaf - the Open #Australia Foundation, who bring you awesome #OpenSource tools like #RightToKnow and (I think) #BelowTheLine was their initiative too.
Top people, give them a follow.
#fediverse #australia #opensource #righttoknow #belowtheline #twittermigration #introductions
The Case for Banning Children from Social Media | The New Yorker
#socialmedia #addictionbydesign #childrens #kids #parenting
#isolation #protest #gender #information #LGBT #righttoknow
#righttoknow #LGBT #Information #gender #protest #isolation #parenting #Kids #Childrens #addictionbydesign #SocialMedia
RT @people4assange
#Assange has been trending on Twitter every day for more than a week.
Prime Minister @AlboMP
President @JoeBiden
Prime Minister @RishiSunak
The world is watching...
Free Julian Assange now.
#assange #freeassange #auspol #humanrights #righttoknow
Operating in the dark (in response to how public records revealed how “some people” tried to undermine 2020 election results) is anti-democratic and anti-American. But it is the Arizona state Legislature. #FirstAmendment #RighttoKnow #publicrecords #transparency
#transparency #publicrecords #righttoknow #firstamendment
Dear All,
The UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression, Irene Kahn, is asking for input into her next report focusing on the relationship of freedom of expression and sustainable development.
She is interested in hearing about benefits and barriers including the right to information, the use of ICTs, and investigative journalists and whistleblowers.
The deadline is 3 Feb.
#sustainabledevelopment #freedomofexpression #righttoknow #FOIA
#foia #righttoknow #freedomofexpression #sustainabledevelopment
"Die WHO ignoriert weiterhin die Katastrophe von Long Covid". Würmer wie diese erinnern uns daran, dass Untätigkeit eine Form des Handelns ist, und Schweigen und Ablenkung Formen der Fehlinformation. Lesen Sie mehr unter ( #RightToKnow 2/3
"Die WHO ignoriert weiterhin die Katastrophe von Long Covid". Würmer wie diese erinnern uns daran, dass Untätigkeit eine Form des Handelns ist, und Schweigen und Ablenkung Formen der Fehlinformation. Lesen Sie mehr unter ( #RightToKnow 2/3
Big news! Open letter from some major media outlets denouncing the persecution-I mean - prosecution of Julian Assange 😃 #FreeAssange #JulianAssange #media #mediafreedom #RightToKnow
#freeassange #julianassange #media #mediafreedom #righttoknow
"Die WHO ignoriert weiterhin die Katastrophe von Long Covid". Würmer wie diese erinnern uns daran, dass Untätigkeit eine Form des Handelns ist, und Schweigen und Ablenkung Formen der Fehlinformation. Lesen Sie mehr unter ( #RightToKnow 2/4
Fight back against misinformation (#worms) in the news by keeping up-to-date with WHN’s new fact-checking column #WormsInYourSpaghetti The current dish, "The WHO Continues to Ignore Long Covid Catastrophe." Worms like these remind us that inaction is a form of action, and silence and deflection, forms of misinformation. Read more at ( #RightToKnow
Have an idea for a #Worms? Send it to us at
#LongCovid #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp
#worms #wormsinyourspaghetti #righttoknow #longcovid #covidisnotover #maskup
#Covid #Chile #CovidCL
Muertes aún en alza
Camas UCI en alza.
El bajar los casos limitando el testeo no altera la realidad. Vamos mal.
Deaths rising as well as ICU beds occupied.
Reducing case numbers by limiting tests does not alter reality. This is not good.
We have the #RightToKnow
#covid #chile #covidcl #righttoknow
Me trae recuerdos de cuando
Jaime Mañalich dijo "Ojo con Los Andes".
Ñuble está pasando transparente a los informes, pero considerando que el testeo es prácticamente el mismo de hace 2 meses, pero su positividad es radicalmente superior, resulta en 2 ciudades en la mayor prevalencia.
Testeo ha caído a menos de 100 x 100.000hab.
Mas de la mitad de las regiones del país con más de 15% de positividad.
Muy difícil cuidarse si no tenemos información.
My first field post in mastodon!.. Lawyers and journalists are speaking about the new disinformation law in Turkey... #RightToKnow #FreeSpeech
Is this happening in the United States or Russia?
Is this happening in the United States or Russia?
Дорогие друзья, наши русскоязычные читатели. Наша работа продолжается, и публикует новости на русском языке. Цензура — это тьма, и правда торжествует. Русские имеют право знать. #pressfreedom #righttoknow
RT @InforegulatorSA
Civil society organisations of #RTI #RightToKnow and interested parties are invited to join discussions with the African Network of Information Commissioners on strengthening the regional network of oversight bodies on access to information. Register here
Wissen ist Macht. Darum ist das Recht auf #Informationsfreiheit unabdingbar für lebendige #Demokratien. Nur so kann demokratische Meinungs- und Willensbildung gelingen. #AccessToInfoday #RightToKnow #FürMehrTransparenz #NoSuccessfulParticipationWithoutValidInformation
#informationsfreiheit #Demokratien #accesstoinfoday #righttoknow #FürMehrTransparenz #NoSuccessfulParticipationWithoutValidInformation