This is probably a good point in the thread to note that the cause of keeping, or really winning, a #RightToTheCity in #Minneapolis could really use a #communications #volunteer who is not me. About to get to the important part of what i've needed to post for the past two days…
#righttothecity #minneapolis #communications #volunteer
#四ツ橋ブックサークル #惑星都市理論 #アンリ・ルフェーヴル #henrilefebvre #都市への権利 #人新世 #ジェントリフィケーション #Anthropocene #Gentrification #planetaryurbanization #neilsmith #righttothecity #criticalgeography #etiennebalibar #ClaudeLefort
#ClaudeLefort #etiennebalibar #criticalgeography #righttothecity #neilsmith #planetaryurbanization #gentrification #anthropocene #ジェントリフィケーション #人新世 #都市への権利 #henrilefebvre #アンリ・ルフェーヴル #惑星都市理論 #四ツ橋ブックサークル
The city of #Minneapolis intends to drive unhoused people from exercising the #RightToTheCity even if it kills them (which it does).
Aside from needless death and suffering of people who are not you, housed reader, the neoliberal need to deny good things to people without property or income impacts you, also, in the lack of contingency plans to keep everyone safe during a massive blizzard.
Power goes out to half the city, and furnaces no longer work? No plan.
Already accidentally leaving off "nonprofit" landholders like CommonBond from that list.
People without the means to buy into, and stay in, the housing or rental markets are being denied the right to exist in Minneapolis right now.
#四ツ橋ブックサークル #惑星都市理論 #アンリルフェーヴル #henrilefebvre #都市への権利 #人新世 #ジェントリフィケーション #Anthropocene #Gentrification #planetaryurbanization #neilsmith #righttothecity #criticalgeography #etiennebalibar #ClaudeLefort
#ClaudeLefort #etiennebalibar #criticalgeography #righttothecity #neilsmith #planetaryurbanization #gentrification #anthropocene #ジェントリフィケーション #人新世 #都市への権利 #henrilefebvre #アンリルフェーヴル #惑星都市理論 #四ツ橋ブックサークル
#四ツ橋ブックサークル #惑星都市理論 #アンリ・ルフェーヴル #henrilefebvre #都市への権利 #人新世 #ジェントリフィケーション #Anthropocene #Gentrification #planetaryurbanization #neilsmith #righttothecity #criticalgeography #etiennebalibar #ClaudeLefort
#ClaudeLefort #etiennebalibar #criticalgeography #righttothecity #neilsmith #planetaryurbanization #gentrification #anthropocene #ジェントリフィケーション #人新世 #都市への権利 #henrilefebvre #アンリ #惑星都市理論 #四ツ橋ブックサークル
Everyone, everywhere needs the #RightToTheCity
Please tag other Mastodon accounts working towards this vital right
#righttothecity #municipalistmonday
Today’s #MunicipalistMonday is about the anti-gentrification struggle below the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Property developers want more luxury apartments & parking nearby. Instead neighbours want a participatory process.
#municipalistmonday #righttothecity
If we have to push a beg button to cross a street... Can we then at least decide what we beg for? 🚗🚲🚸🚦♿🔊
#UrbanPoor #RightToTheCity #LandOccupation #Housing
#cycling #bike #conservation #climate #climatechange #pollution #population #Science #nature #humanrights #earth #planet #biodiversity #ClimateEmergency
#climatejustice #climate #climatechange #Nature #climatefuture #environment
#ClimateCrisis #amazonia #amazon #forest #Planning #People #juststopoil #fossilfuels #energy #geography
#geography #Energy #fossilfuels #juststopoil #people #planning #Forest #Amazon #amazonia #ClimateCrisis #Environment #climatefuture #climatejustice #ClimateEmergency #biodiversity #Planet #Earth #HumanRights #Nature #Science #population #Pollution #ClimateChange #Climate #Conservation #Bike #Cycling #housing #landoccupation #righttothecity #urbanpoor
the references are relevant, though short.
#righttothecity #planning #publicspace
(4/4) A documentary about the very contested construction of the #Metro3 in #Brussels, which will cost a fortune to the city, won’t be effective to achieve modal shift and will gentrify this central working class neighbourhood.
The film is only in French but very interesting as it confronts inhabitants and politicians’ views. The former mobility minister declares “you must dare to make people happy against their will”…
#RightToTheCity #PublicTransport #Gentrification
#metro3 #Brussels #righttothecity #publictransport #gentrification
Opening session of the symposium in honor of Ruth Wilson Gilmore at #PeoplesForum this morning. Really excellent presentations by Katherine McKittrick, Simone Brown, Ananya Roy, and Naomi Murakawa. #abolition #righttothecity #economicjustice #socialjustice #americanstudies #geography #blackstudies
#BlackStudies #geography #americanstudies #SocialJustice #economicjustice #righttothecity #abolition #PeoplesForum
oh, I missed this --- just in case other #righttocity ppl. as well #commoning #commons #newmunicipalism
RT @alterurbanist
Just five days left to support small-report proposals on municipalism and the common(s)!!! PERFECT for non-academic research activists #righttothecity #municipalism #commons #dualpower
#righttocity #commoning #commons #newmunicipalism #righttothecity #municipalism #dualpower
What? I open the #CommonBound livestream to the beginning of a talk on housing organizing in Denver Colorado!
#commonbound #righttothecity #housing