Teil 2 unserer Interviews zum "Wahlrecht für Alle". Mariami Gvinjilia von@AG_Asylsuchende warum das Wahlrecht wichtig ist und was Parteien ändern würden wenn es real wird! #righttovote
MORGEN moderiert @luna_le
Diskussion im linXXnet, 19 Uhr! https://youtu.be/7G29SaMgxrc?feature=shared
Am 5.9. diskutieren wir 19 Uhr zur Ausweitung des Wahlrechts im linXXnet.
Doch wer würde von unserer Initiative im Landtag profitieren? Bei Landes- & Kommunalwahlen gibt es heute Unterschiede. Die sollen eingeebnet werden & 16-jährige künftig auch wählen! #righttovote! 🗳️
For more read #NealKatyal’s WaPo article 'Why the #Trump trial should be televised'
#PetitionToTeleviseTrumpTrial #TrumpTrial #FederalCourts #TeleviseTrumpTrial #Transparency #Propaganda #Spin #Bias #Narrative #Optics #Media #Uninformed #MediaLiteracy #Indictment #Jan6 #ElectionInterference #Conspiracy #Fraud #Obstruction #Insurrection #Coup #PublicInterest #RightToVote #Vote #Law #Legal #SpecialCounsel #JohnRoberts
#nealkatyal #trump #petitiontotelevisetrumptrial #trumptrial #federalcourts #televisetrumptrial #transparency #propaganda #spin #bias #narrative #optics #media #uninformed #medialiteracy #indictment #jan6 #electioninterference #conspiracy #fraud #obstruction #insurrection #coup #publicinterest #righttovote #vote #law #legal #specialcounsel #johnroberts
#Trump is running to become the leader of a country he is “alleged” to not only have attacked, but also to have denied its citizens of their #RightToVote & have their #vote counted, the core defining principles on which a democratic republic is based. If the allegations are proven, he cannot be allowed to run let alone win. People must have this information #unfiltered w/o #spin.
#PetitionToTeleviseTrumpTrial #TeleviseTrumpTrial #TrumpTrial
#trump #righttovote #vote #unfiltered #spin #petitiontotelevisetrumptrial #televisetrumptrial #trumptrial
#VotoConSentido: promoting voting rights through radio
#Guatemala #Disinformation #Comunicares #MediaandInformationLiteracy #righttovote #DWAkademie
#DWAkademie #righttovote #mediaandinformationliteracy #comunicares #disinformation #guatemala #votoconsentido
“While my administration will never cave to conspiracy theorists, it nevertheless is true that the value of ERIC to us going forward is a debatable question,” he said. “Kentucky is about to pay a lot more money to get a lot less information.” - KY SOS Adams
"Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded." - Yogi Berra
Maybe #ERIC would have more value if more states stayed in it. Oh, wait....
#Voting #Democracy #Vote #RightToVote #BlackVote #BlackMastodon #BlackVoting
#eric #voting #democracy #vote #righttovote #blackvote #blackmastodon #blackvoting
#GOP #PresidentialCandidate Calls for Ending #USCitizens’ Automatic #RighttoVote at 18
#gop #presidentialcandidate #uscitizens #righttovote
Judge blocks new Florida election law, signed by DeSantis this spring, calling it the 'latest assault on the right to vote
#BusinessInsider #FloridaElectionLaw #DeSantis #RightToVote #AssaultOnVotingRights #JudgeBlocks #Politics #News
#businessinsider #floridaelectionlaw #desantis #righttovote #assaultonvotingrights #judgeblocks #politics #news
As per Victor Shi:
«NEW: a federal judge just issued a preliminary #injunction in a lawsuit challenging #RonDeSantis’s attempt to suppress young voters, saying, the law is “an assault on the #RightToVote” & #Florida is “not free to exceed the bounds of the #US #Constitution.”
Don’t mess with #GenZ.»
#injunction #rondesantis #righttovote #florida #us #constitution #genz
The #Virginians Who Can’t #Vote Because of #GlennYoungkin
People leaving #prison automatically regained the #righttovote under the previous governor. But Youngkin ended that policy and now decides who gets to cast a ballot.
#virginians #vote #GlennYoungkin #prison #righttovote
My paternal grandmother’s voting history, from 1920 to 1976. #111Words #RightToVote #PresidentialElections #Republicans #Democrats https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2023/06/my-paternal-grandmothers-voting-history.html
#democrats #republicans #presidentialelections #righttovote #111words
new publication if you don't mind small N and indicative (null) results: no evidence that #local #politicians are more responsive to #immigrants in municipalities where immigrants have the #rightToVote. #immigration #fieldExperiment #auditStudy #migration #representation
Nicholson, Mike, and Didier Ruedin. 2023. ‘Responsiveness of Local Politicians to Immigrants Does Not Vary Systematically by Voting Rights’. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies Online First. https://doi.org/10.1080/15562948.2023.2211027. #OA
#local #politicians #immigrants #righttovote #immigration #fieldexperiment #auditstudy #migration #representation #oa
It is always fascinating to me that Britain, France and other countries have a (legal) proxy vote.
That's unconstitutional in Germany. And I have to say I would not feel comfortable with somebody else voting for me. 🤷
What we have is the right to have somebody vote for you in your presence. That's for handicapped people e.g. And of course there is always the possibility to vote by mail.
#righttovote #Wahlrecht #proxyvote
#PopeFrancis approved changes to the norms governing the #SynodOfBishops, a #Vatican body that gathers the world’s bishops together for periodic meetings, following years of demands by #women to have the #RightToVote.
The Vatican on Wednesday published the modifications he approved, which emphasize his vision for the lay faithful taking on a greater role in #Church affairs that have long been left to clerics, #bishops and #cardinals.
#popefrancis #synodofbishops #vatican #women #righttovote #church #bishops #cardinals
Do we use our #RightToVote What counts as a high turnout? Do we take our #democratic #rights for granted when people in other countries don’t have that luxury? How do other countries compare? #democracy #votingrights #voting #voterturnout https://blog.datawrapper.de/democracy-voter-turnout/
#righttovote #democratic #rights #Democracy #votingrights #voting #voterturnout
“Pure politics”: key conservative group joins attacks on partnership that improves voter rolls | US politics | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/11/judicial-watch-electronic-registration-information-center-eric #RightToVote
Today is both a great and sad day for my fellow Wisconsites.
Great because we get to vote for the state's future.
Sad because the supreme court race has become politicized I fear beyond repair.
Great because most of my family and friends have or will vote, even if they vote differently than I would.
Sad because a large percentage of eligible voters still won't vote.
If the last 10 years have taught us anything, the right to vote is more powerful than ever!
Don't forget 🤦 you will need ID 🛂 to vote in the UK 🇬🇧 local elections 🗳️ on the 4th May.
👉 If you don't have any, get it here:
No ID = No Vote 🙅
🗨️ Share this with your younger UK friends, people affected by poverty, or those from minority communities - it's them who are most affected - they are less likely to have any official ID
#StarWarsDay #MayThe4th #VoterID #UKvoters #UKelections #VoterSupression #RightToVote #disenfranchisement
#starwarsday #maythe4th #voterid #ukvoters #ukelections #votersupression #righttovote #disenfranchisement
We'll be LIVE on Saturday morning, talking about the UK's decision to insist on Photo ID, which will remove the right to vote from many British citizens!
Live on The Old Geezer's Diary on Facebook and Youtube, and on Homemade TV on Youtube.
#oldgeezershow #oldgeezersdiary #olderpeople #democracy #righttovote #photoID #voterphotoID #elections #denialofdemocracy
#oldgeezershow #oldgeezersdiary #Olderpeople #democracy #righttovote #photoid #voterphotoid #elections #denialofdemocracy
“We should not continue to perpetually punish individuals,” Governor Tim Wall says in advance of signing a law giving 50,000 non-incarcerated #felons the #righttovote in #Minnesota.
Podcast & transcript here!
#felons #righttovote #minnesota