Some #GoodNews! Michigan appears set to repeal its #RightToWorkForLess law! This is excellent for #EconomicJustice, the #WorkingClass and #unions.
Lately, anytime I need a reminder that things aren't all bad, I've been looking to the #LaborMovement. From successful Starbucks unions being organized across the country to this step forward in Michigan, there seems to be a sudden interest in workplace organizing, and it's encouraging that workers are coming together to defend themselves again exploitative bosses and our oppressive economic system.
Source: WILX, "Michigan Senate Passes Right-to-Work Repeal:"
#RightToWork #DemocraticSocialism #SocialismOrBarbarism #BreadAndRoses #SolidarityForever #Michigan
#goodnews #righttoworkforless #economicjustice #workingclass #unions #labormovement #righttowork #democraticsocialism #socialismorbarbarism #breadandroses #solidarityforever #michigan