National Coalition Party, in which both the Prime minister Petteri Orpo and president Sauli Niinistö resign, has become somewhat inseparable with the Basic Finn nazis.
Some of us that is not a surprise since we’ve called NCP “cravat-basic finns” for a while now.
To some it is still a great surprise, even as Nazi-Germany teaches that the “economic right” needs the support of the “far-right” and that the end results are catastrophic. #politics #politicsFI #naziJokeGovernment #rightWingPolitics
#politics #politicsfi #nazijokegovernment #rightwingpolitics
“The whole bill for balancing the public finances is being sent to the already hardest hit in society. It's just a choice made by a government that cares about the strong, a brutal one.”
MP Li Andersson (LA).
#naziJokeGovernment #thatcherism #welfareCuts #politics #politicsFI #finland #cabinetOfHorrors #rightWingPolitics #austerity
#nazijokegovernment #thatcherism #welfarecuts #politics #politicsfi #finland #cabinetofhorrors #rightwingpolitics #austerity
what the nazi-joke-government claims to be doing: making Finland seem like a good place for international top experts on every field imaginable.
what the nazi-joke-government is actually doing: tarnishing Finlands reputation as a stable civilised nation, making it seem much less desirable country to move into even for the international top experts.
#naziJokeGovernment #politics #politicsFI #finland #racism #rightWingPolitics #fascism
#nazijokegovernment #politics #politicsfi #finland #racism #rightwingpolitics #fascism
Like so often happens, this time too the expectations (or explanations) of right-wing politicians are completely separated from the actual reality.
Idk how in the hell would “you cannot make A DIME without it lowering your benefits” would encourage someone to try and find work. especially part-time.
#naziJokeGovernment #reform #defunding #politics #politicsFI #welfare #welfareDefund #socialBenefits #finland #thatcherism #rightWingPolitics
#nazijokegovernment #reform #defunding #politics #politicsfi #welfare #welfaredefund #socialbenefits #finland #thatcherism #rightwingpolitics
why do i trust politicians like Li Andersson (Left Alliance) more than these right-wing-fuckers?
Because shit like this keeps happening. Usually I myself, an unemployed, low educated, autistic queer person with depression and somatic illness who can barely stay on top of housework but happens to read a lot, knows when they are lying. Which is, unsurprisingly, almost every-time they open their mouths.
#rightWingPolitics #finland #layOffs #healthCare #politics #politicsFI #naziJokeGovernment
#rightwingpolitics #finland #layoffs #healthcare #politics #politicsfi #nazijokegovernment
new inhumane policies.
If you have fled from a war torn country not just once but twice, fuck you and your family, says the nazi government of Petteri Orpo (NCP). #refugees #naziJokeGovernment #politics #rightWingPolitics #politicsFI #finland #racism #racismInFinland
#refugees #nazijokegovernment #politics #rightwingpolitics #politicsfi #finland #racism #racisminfinland
new inhumane policies.
If you have fled from a war torn country not just once but twice, fuck you and your family, says the nazi government of Petteri Orpo (NCP). #refugees #naziJokeGovernment #politics #rightWingPolitics #politicsFI #finland #racism #racismInFinland
#refugees #nazijokegovernment #politics #rightwingpolitics #politicsfi #finland #racism #racisminfinland
So make BF Nazis happy: +150k.
effect; non existent.
Make poor families miserable: -360k.
effect; misery, hardship, child poverty, homelessness, stress, sickness, and maybe someone somewhere gets a job under this forcing policy.
“It’s bit pricey, but it is a political choice.” - Finnish Prime minister Petteri Orpo (NCP).
#politics #politicsFI #finland #naziJokeGovernment #naziJokeNcP #rightWingPolitics #populism
#politics #politicsfi #finland #nazijokegovernment #nazijokencp #rightwingpolitics #populism
Fascists are rejoicing and attempting to cause a scandal because there was one banderol that “encouraged violence” in Sundays antigovernment protests that was attended by 10k - 20k people.
Below published stance from the anarchist group A-ryhmä that made and carried the banner. Screenshots from their Instagram. 1/2
#naziJokeGovernment #labourRight #thatcherism #politics #politicsFI #rightWingPolitics #defund #defundingWelfare #capitalism #corruption #racism #anarchism
#nazijokegovernment #labourright #thatcherism #politics #politicsfi #rightwingpolitics #defund #defundingwelfare #capitalism #corruption #racism #anarchism
“But they promised not to be racist anymore! That’s the whole deal!”
No, it is not. Basic Finn members have SPECIFICALLY said that is not what it means. It’s just a paper that shuts SPP up so they can start cutting pieces out of the former welfare state known as Finland.
#politics #politicsFI #rightWingPolitics #rightWing #racism #basicFinnNazis #naziScum #distraction
#politics #politicsfi #rightwingpolitics #rightwing #racism #basicfinnnazis #naziscum #Distraction #nazijokegovernment
The racism pamflet has arrived! All is well! Finland rejoices!
Uhm, yeah no jk. its a pile of flaming bullshit presented to the public with fire, explosions and riots cooking in the background.
No new hate-crime laws, no laws banning holocaust denialism or nazi-flags, no changes to the structural racism enforcing government program, no firing the racist ministers, no real changes.
Just a pile of shit with a bow. #naziJokeGovernment #politics #finland #racism #rightWingPolitics #politicsFI
#nazijokegovernment #politics #finland #racism #rightwingpolitics #politicsfi
- After these cuts, how will we ensure a decent life for those who receive help from these organisations? asks Laura Meriluoto of the Left Alliance.”
“You could say that the government is attacking civil society.”
#naziJokeGovernment #politicsFI #politics #rightWingPolitics #humanRights #welfareCuts #defundingWelfare #finland
#nazijokegovernment #politicsfi #politics #rightwingpolitics #humanrights #welfarecuts #defundingwelfare #finland
here, have a Basic Finn nazi election campaign ad from the spring as a treat.
(the joke is that BF is in a government making historical defunding in welfare while selling state property and giving tax relief to the richest.) #basicFinnNazis #naziJokeGovernment #rightWingPolitics #populism #politics #politicsFI #finland
#basicfinnnazis #nazijokegovernment #rightwingpolitics #populism #politics #politicsfi #finland
just as social security minister Sanni Grahn-Laasonen, finance minister Riikka Purra also has only one thing to say to the unemployed and poor they’re cutting already below poverty line benefits from:
“I hope that you’re able get employed full time and do not need the benefits anymore. ofc this isn’t possible for everyone but we don’t give a fuck. see we’re encouraging people to work yay us!”
#naziJokeGovernment #politicsFI #politics #finland #rightWingPolitics
#nazijokegovernment #politicsfi #politics #finland #rightwingpolitics
just as social security minister Sanni Grahn-Laasonen, also finance minister Riikka Purra has only one thing to say to the unemployed and poor they’re cutting already below poverty line benefits from:
“I hope that you’re able get employed full time and do not need the benefits anymore. ofc this isn’t possible for everyone but we don’t give a fuck. see we’re encouraging people to work yay us!”
#naziJokeGovernment #politicsFI #politics #finland #rightWingPolitics
#nazijokegovernment #politicsfi #politics #finland #rightwingpolitics
✨Priorities ✨
#PetteriOrpo #naziJokeGovernment #rightWingPolitics #welfareCuts
#petteriorpo #nazijokegovernment #rightwingpolitics #welfarecuts
this is just disgusting honestly. #naziJokeGovernment #labourRights #rightWingPolitics #politicsFI #finland #politics #generalStrike
#nazijokegovernment #labourrights #rightwingpolitics #politicsfi #finland #politics #generalstrike
While the government battles those who try to weed out corruption and tax frauds, they’re also attacking part time workers and the unemployed. Like Santtu who makes 1200€/month.
“If it is indeed the case that after the cuts planned by the government, the salary will be deducted directly from the labour market support, it would mean about 450 euros less income per month, Santtu says, based on his calculations.” #politics #politicsFI #rightWingPolitics #finland #systemicViolence #welfareCuts
#politics #rightwingpolitics #finland #systemicviolence #welfarecuts #politicsfi
During Sanna Marins government, the whole fucking right wing lamented on the “gigantic” and “economy crushing” amount of debt (5-8 million per year) they had to take since COVID and the war on Europe hit and there was a global distress.
Now, to “fix the mess leftists left behind” these far right fuckers are taking even more debt. 10 million to be exact, to, well, hand over to rich people.
#naziJokeGovernment #politics #politicsFI #finland #rightWingPolitics
#nazijokegovernment #politics #politicsfi #finland #rightwingpolitics
The current nazi-joke-government is historically unpopular.
”Only about a quarter of Finns are satisfied with Petteri Orpo's (Coalition Party) government, according to a survey commissioned by Maaseudun Tulevaisuu in early August. Of the respondents, 6.8 percent said they were very satisfied with the government's activities, while 18.6 percent were quite satisfied.”
#naziJokeGovernment #politicsFI #politics #finland #fuckNaziScum #antifa #rightWingPolitics
#nazijokegovernment #politicsfi #politics #finland #fucknaziscum #antifa #rightwingpolitics