"Demokratie-Monitoring: Ein Fünftel der Deutschen hat rechtspopulistisches Weltbild"
Lest you consider the inner-EU as politically stable and sensible, some 20% of Germans are tin-foil helmets. This is from a study led by Frank Brettschneider at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart. Only one percent of Green Party supporters are nutters, he finds.
#rightwingpopulism #conspiracytheories #germany
as we say in finland when ever our little country wins or makes it to the international news:
to the marketplace!!
(this is strongly sarcasm btw. there’s absolutely nothing worth celebrating when your new government consists of nazis and their lackeys.)
#farRight #nazisShit #naziScum #farRightGovernment #fuckNazis #hallitus2023 #hirviöHallitus #misogyny #rightWingPopulism
#farright #nazisshit #naziscum #farrightgovernment #fucknazis #hallitus2023 #hirviohallitus #misogyny #rightwingpopulism
At the National Conservatism Conference, David #Frost, the former #Brexit minister, told the conference the Conservatives will not win the next general election as the party of "the self-satisfied and entitled"
As distinct, say, from "the dissatisfied and deranged" within whose #farRight ranks will be found nutters like Mr Frost......
#frost #brexit #FarRight #ToriesOut #rightwingpopulism
Well I think rather #notMyKing is a permanent part of that portion of the British establishment that achieves elite status for reasons unrelated to any sort of merit - a long term sickness as distinct from the short term near-fatal fever that is the current bout of #toriesOut #rightWingPopulism
In essence we retain #feudal fealty that sits oddly with democracy - and the huge cost of the Windsors is totally unjustifiable
#notmyking #ToriesOut #rightwingpopulism #feudal
#rightwingpopulism God help us all
Ron DeSantis’s lurch in Florida hurts his presidential chances from TheEconomist https://www.economist.com/united-states/2023/04/30/ron-desantiss-lurch-in-florida-hurts-his-presidential-chances
RT @NelliPiattoeva
With #rightwingpopulism on the rise what do these politicians want from education? Join to hear 👉 https://shorturl.at/wX158 @ZSMillei @PoliticsAndEd @PolicyFuturesAU @CfU_AAU @AnjaGiudici @socedu28 @ECER_EERA @TampereUni_EDU @EuropeanEducat3 @CritStudsEd @JEdPolicy @n_nationalism https://twitter.com/NelliPiattoeva/status/1648306612669390854
Britain's economy is back, says chancellor
The headlines should end "...in the doldrums"
#hunt is trying to blag his way to a reputation for competence long since lost to the #ToriesOut
13 years of Austerity doubling down on the old Tory policy of trashing the public weal to protect the wealthy from the impact of their own failure in steering the economy, more recently reinforced by 6 years of total tory chaos as they ride the tiger of #rightWingPopulism
#hunt #ToriesOut #rightwingpopulism #Labour
Suella #Braverman not fit for office, says Tory peer #Warsi
Not sure we needed Warsi to tell us, but it is good to see that being members of the #ToriesOut organisation is less of the identity that enforced omerta it used to be - and Warsi is a reminder that there is still the bones of a viable right-wing party that does not subscribe to #rightWingPopulism if they only have the courage to speak up
#braverman #warsi #ToriesOut #rightwingpopulism
There is always further to fall,.... and unless & until the #globalRich have all the wealth and the rest of us just enough to prevent revolution the #toriesOut will not stop - weaponising #rightWingPopulism to get just enough of us to vote for them to stay in power.......
#globalRich #ToriesOut #rightwingpopulism #Labour
Dominic Raab plans new law to stop whole life term prisoners marrying
Pure #rightWingPopulism - fiddling whilst Rome burns - the #bully is presiding over a failing court system but wants to curry favour with the stupid by this token measure......instead of doing his job
With luck the current enquiry will result in his resignation - whoever takes over has a big job sorting out his mess
#rightwingpopulism #bully #ToriesOut
The vile #Braverman doubling down on nasty #rightWingPopulism when confronted by a Holocaust survivor criticising her for describing migrants as an "invasion" and "swarms"
- Climate catastrophe
- Sixth mass extinction
- Ukraine
- Right-wing populism
- Racism
#photography #home #snow #outdoors #nature #wood #candles #pumpkin #logcabin #rural #wilderness_culture #December #winter #mountains #barn #forest #trees #Jämtland #Sweden #NorthernSweden #orange #light #NewYearsEve #candleholder #climatecatastrophe #massextinction #Ukraine #racism #rightwingpopulism #populism
#photography #home #snow #outdoors #nature #wood #candles #pumpkin #logcabin #rural #wilderness_culture #december #winter #mountains #barn #forest #trees #jamtland #sweden #northernsweden #orange #light #newyearseve #candleholder #climatecatastrophe #massextinction #ukraine #racism #rightwingpopulism #populism
It's silly to feel any different when a "new" year starts, to see it as a potential turning-point, after which things might change and improve.
It's a coping mechanism, and last year I could still fall for it somewhat.
But this "new" year just feels dark. I don't see how this world gonna get better in the near future. And me personally, I am on the privileged side. Can't imagine for others...
#CovidIsNotOver #climatecatastrophe #Ukraine #rightwingpopulism
What the #ToriesOut are is #rightWingPopulist - they are not the #F-word.
What their statements indicate is that #Labour would form a #centrist govt.
If you do not know the difference between #Fascism #rightWingPopulism and #Centrist politics maybe we should not rely on your judgement
The nearest we have to #Fascism in #Europe right now lies with the megalomaniac in #Moscow
#ToriesOut #rightWingPopulist #f #Labour #Centrist #fascism #rightwingpopulism #Europe #Moscow
RT @PressenzaIPA
Rise Of The New Decadents https://www.pressenza.com/2022/09/rise-of-the-new-decadents/ #DonaldTrump #GiorgiaMeloni #JairBolsonaro #RightwingPopulism #VladimirPutin Mark Lesseraux
#vladimirputin #rightwingpopulism #jairbolsonaro #giorgiameloni #donaldtrump
*How Steve Bannon's far-right 'Movement' stalled in Europe*
"Rightwing populists are on the rise across Europe. With European parliamentary elections approaching, they are being offered help from Donald Trump's former chief strategist, #SteveBannon. Over the last four months, #theGuardian's Paul Lewis followed his operation in Brussels, Rome and Venice – challenging Bannon over his media hype and the legality of his intervention."
#fascism #farright #rightwingpopulism #theguardian #stevebannon