I've been playing with pivoting in #FreeCAD some more, figured it out (and I think there is a bug which caused it not working before), and decided to print it. The smaller side is only 0.6mm thick and 5mm tall, so it can pass the holes in the middle and carry the yarn with it.
There are a warping hook and a 15 dent rigid heddle, 3d printed #weaving tools of my design {that I've been too unmotivated/perfectionist to bring to a shareable state}. #3dPrinting #rigidHeddle
#FreeCAD #weaving #3Dprinting #rigidHeddle
Cotton grows in brown and green, as well as white. This American Maid cotton gets darker if you add baking soda to the wash water, making the green and brown stand out more. Warped up the #rigidheddle #loom to #weave kitchen towels.
More cotton info here:
Cotton and linen kitchen towels off the #rigidheddle loom, hemstitched, machine-sewn zigzag stitch for extra security and ready for hand-sewing the hem. My loom looks sadly empty and I plan to warp it tomorrow for another pair of kitchen towels, this time in cotton that grows with its own colours, white, green, and brown.
Managed to slice into my finger getting these off the loom and can confirm the scissors are very sharp.#Weaving and #sewing for fun and minimal injuries!
I love the look of a 2x2 hemstitch on anything woven, even though this one will be inside a rolled hem on cotton/linen kitchen towels. It took ages because I had 258 ends to stitch.
Using a doubled warp on a 12 dent reed with doubled weft, I should be able to get two good-sized towels done. #weaving on a #rigidHeddle loom.
I am El, I love process!
I #growveg #organically #yearround with 3 #greenhouse structures and #seedsave and some #harvests get into a #crock #pickle with #lactofermentation
My #sheep produce lovely #wool with which I use #naturaldyes for #yarn for #knitting #felting by #spinning #WoolSpinning #SpinningWheel #spindle and of course #weaving with #rigidHeddle and #floorloom and #tableloom
I also #sew #wardrobe items and have started #shoemaking
So hello!!
#introduction #growveg #organically #yearround #greenhouse #seedsave #harvests #crock #pickle #lactofermentation #sheep #wool #naturaldyes #yarn #knitting #felting #spinning #WoolSpinning #SpinningWheel #spindle #weaving #rigidHeddle #floorloom #tableloom #sew #wardrobe #shoemaking
An #introduction with the hashtags for areas I'm interested in:
#knitting, #karate, #woodCarving, #fountainPens, #tea, #cats, #baking, #NaNoWriMo, #fictionWriting, #embroidery, #physics, #weaving on a #rigidHeddle loom, and #scifi. Born #British, immigrated to the US, living in the #Midwest.
My work interests are #SoftwareTesting and #QA, I manage a team of SDET and Quality Engineer people.
Advocate for good #mentalHealth, and I'm an #introvert.
#introduction #knitting #karate #woodcarving #fountainpens #tea #cats #baking #nanowrimo #fictionWriting #embroidery #physics #weaving #rigidHeddle #scifi #british #Midwest #softwaretesting #qa #mentalhealth #introvert