Remote Code Execution on an Oscilloscope - There are a huge number of products available in the modern world that come with n... - #arbitrarycodeexecution #securityhacks #vulnerability #oscilloscope #firmware #security #exploit #network #binary #rigol #curl
#curl #rigol #binary #network #exploit #security #firmware #oscilloscope #vulnerability #securityhacks #arbitrarycodeexecution
FNIRSI vs Rigol: An Alternate View #oscilloscope #Reviews #FNIRSI #rigol
#oscilloscope #reviews #fnirsi #rigol
Happy I was finally able to capture a scope image. Saving to a USB stick didn't work and why should it? It's only 2023. The image was obtained via LXI/Ethernet and some command line wizardry supplied by @alangarf #Rigol #electronics
….Aaaand success! I only use my HAM/electronics kit for personal stuff so quite happy to tinker around with slightly modified firmware and exotic SCPI commands. Latest victim is a #rigol DL3021 who is now confused about its personality and thinks it’s a DL2031A. Many thanks to all the “magic USB stick” developers over at #EEVblog .
Finally, I have let myself reach that level #oscilloscope #rigol #dogphotobomb
#dogphotobomb #rigol #oscilloscope