Your daily dose of dutch art by Rembrandt van Rijn
Jan Lutma, goldsmith
Medium: counterproof - material: paper
Dimensions: height 198mm, width 149mm
#17thcentury #rijksmuseum #mastoart #art
Your daily dose of dutch art by Rembrandt van Rijn
Joseph in Prison Interpreting the Dreams of the Butler and Baker
Medium: pen and brown ink, with opaque white; framing line in brown ink - material: paper, deck paint, ink
Dimensions: height 157mm, width 189mm
#17thcentury #rijksmuseum #mastoart #art
Your daily dose of dutch art by Rembrandt van Rijn
Bearded man, in a furred oriental cap and robe
Medium: etching - material: paper
Dimensions: height 145mm, width 129mm
#17thcentury #rijksmuseum #mastoart #art
Your daily dose of dutch art by Rembrandt van Rijn
Adam and Eve
Medium: etching - material: paper
Dimensions: height 163mm, width 117mm
#17thcentury #rijksmuseum #mastoart #art
Your daily dose of dutch art by Rembrandt van Rijn
The circumcision in the stable
Medium: etching - material: paper
Dimensions: height 95mm, width 144mm
#17thcentury #rijksmuseum #mastoart #art
Your daily dose of dutch art by Rembrandt van Rijn
Woman Bathing her Feet in a Brook
Medium: etching and drypoint, printed with plate tone on Japanese paper - material: Japanese paper (handmade paper)
Dimensions: height 160mm, width 80mm
#17thcentury #rijksmuseum #mastoart #art
Eindelijk een proces afgesloten dat in totaal ruim 15 jaar heeft geduurd. Gisteren onder het toeziend oog van de kunstenaar de vier zoutvaten van Johannes Lutma geplaatst op zaal. Iedereen kan ze nu in het #Rijksmuseum zien
Your daily dose of dutch art by Rembrandt van Rijn
A Peasant Replying ‘dats niet’ (Call that Cold?)
Medium: etching - material: paper
Dimensions: height 112mm, width 38mm
#17thcentury #rijksmuseum #mastoart #art
Your daily dose of dutch art by Rembrandt van Rijn
The rest on the flight into Egypt: a night piece
Medium: etching - material: paper
Dimensions: height 92mm, width 60mm
#17thcentury #rijksmuseum #mastoart #art
Your daily dose of dutch art by Rembrandt van Rijn
The circumcision
Medium: etching - material: paper
Dimensions: height 216mm, width 167mm
#17thcentury #rijksmuseum #mastoart #art
Your daily dose of dutch art by Rembrandt van Rijn
Self-portrait, Bending Forward
Medium: etching - material: paper
Dimensions: height 65mm, width 52mm
#17thcentury #rijksmuseum #mastoart #art
Your daily dose of dutch art by Rembrandt van Rijn
The large lion hunt
Medium: etching - material: paper
Dimensions: height 222mm, width 298mm
#17thcentury #rijksmuseum #mastoart #art
How to write a museum label #rijksmuseum #amsterdam
("repeatedly" being the key word here)
Your daily dose of dutch art by Rembrandt van Rijn
Jael Killing Sisera
Medium: pen and brown ink, with opaque white; framing lines in black ink over brown ink - material: paper, deck paint, ink
Dimensions: height 192mm, width 174mm
#17thcentury #rijksmuseum #mastoart #art
Your daily dose of dutch art by Rembrandt van Rijn
St Jerome reading
Medium: etching - material: paper
Dimensions: height 108mm, width 89mm
#17thcentury #rijksmuseum #mastoart #art
Your daily dose of dutch art by Rembrandt van Rijn
Self-portrait with cap pulled forward
Medium: etching - material: paper
Dimensions: height 50mm, width 42mm
#17thcentury #rijksmuseum #mastoart #art
Your daily dose of dutch art by Rembrandt van Rijn
Bust of an old bearded man, looking down, three quarters right
Medium: etching - material: paper
Dimensions: height 119mm, width 106mm
#17thcentury #rijksmuseum #mastoart #art
Your daily dose of dutch art by Rembrandt van Rijn
Girl with a basket
Medium: counterproof - material: paper
Dimensions: height 87mm, width 61mm
#17thcentury #rijksmuseum #mastoart #art
Your daily dose of dutch art by Rembrandt van Rijn
Abraham and Isaac
Medium: etching - material: paper
Dimensions: height 157mm, width 130mm
#17thcentury #rijksmuseum #mastoart #art
Today's photo: Eerste Weteringplantsoen (1895).
[EN] On the right is a house on Eerste Weteringplantsoen, built in 1883 and designed by Willem Langhout. The Rijksmuseum is visible in the background […]
[NL] Rechts een huis aan het Eerste Weteringplantsoen, links op de achtergrond het Rijksmuseum. Het huis dateert uit 1883 en werd ontworpen door […]
Via #Amsterdam #JacobOlie #EersteWeteringplantsoen #WillemLanghout #DomedChurchAtLeidsebosje #Rijksmuseum
#rijksmuseum #domedchurchatleidsebosje #willemlanghout #eersteweteringplantsoen #jacobolie #amsterdam