Turhauttaa toi meidän rapun hissi.
Ja samalla mietityttää, miten hissin toimimattomuus hankaloittaa monen lapsiperheen ja vanhuksen ja liikkumisvaikeuksista kärsivien ihmisten elämää.
Toivottavasti hissin korjaaja tulee heti maanantaina aamulla. Koska hissi on ollut poissa käytöstä perjantaista asti. Hitto, kun noi hajoaa aina justiinsa väärään aikaan.
#hissi #elevator #rikki #broken
#Rikki performs "Only the light" on #TOTP. Who? What? The BBC's entry for the '87 #Eurovision Song Contest is a soft rock song, featuring Rikki in a white jacket, and three backing singers in white jackets. Garry Lux has nothing to fear.
"Only the light" shows that the BBC is out of touch with music as it's heard around the continent. The phrase, "they could have had Living in a Box" springs to mind. But they are ahead of fashion in one way - very flashy staging and Wrong Sort of Shiny.
"Rikki's Bad Day"
Had an appointment he woke up for late, couldn't find his belt and the appoint, left his phone(he also accidentally locked himself out but he doesn't know yet" and he walking around without a shirt on and it's hot AF.
#Muscle #Musclegut #Rikki #Gay #Furry #FurryArt #FurryArtwork #FurryFandom #Bara #Mastoart
#mastoart #bara #furryfandom #furryartwork #furryart #furry #gay #rikki #musclegut #muscle
Silver's BF Jake gave him quite the shocking surprise when he got home and saw himself as well as their friend and co-worker huge and in thongs~ needless to say it's a good thing Jake called into his Job~
A late Bday present for my Friend Silverdogee on twitter
#Furry #Fanart #NSFW #Muscle #Hyper #Gay #FurryArtwork #FurryFandom #Mastoart #Rikki #Silver #Jake
#jake #silver #rikki #mastoart #furryfandom #furryartwork #gay #hyper #muscle #nsfw #fanart #furry
nothing better to do on your friends Bday than take them to the beach, drink, and showoff and have fun~ at least Rikki thinks so~
BDay gift from my friend Niccaroo(_CocoPuffBear) on twitter
#Furry #Fanart #NSFW #Hyper #Muscle #Gay #FurryArt #FurryArtwork #FurryFandom #Mastoart #Rikki #Emmy #Inflation
#inflation #emmy #rikki #mastoart #furryfandom #furryartwork #furryart #gay #muscle #hyper #nsfw #fanart #furry