Title: Choix des Poésies Originales des Troubadours (trans: Selection of #Original #Poetry of the #Troubadour|s)
Author: #Rimbaud
Language: #French, modern
Depth of recovery: 40,002m
Description: A fictitious #collection of #poetry consistent with the style of Rimbaud. Written completely without the letter 'u'.
#scp #1986
#original #poetry #troubadour #rimbaud #french #collection #scp
Whose hearts must I break? What lies must I maintain? - Through whose blood am I to wade ?
#Rimbaud -- from his time in London, learning English, 1874. Source: Rimbaud Centenary, Plymouth Art Centre exhibtion catalogue/anthology, 1991
Una foto falsa del #poeta Arthur #Rimbaud circuló por las redes y engañó a muchas personas. Estaba generada, cómo no, mediante #IA.
Aquí se explica lo ocurrido, se ve cómo el entusiasmo puede sobrepasar al buen juicio y se muestran las #fotografías reales que se conservan de Rimbaud.
#fotografía #InteligenciaArtificial #artículos #bulos #falsificaciones #FotosVirales #poesía #PoesíaFrancesa #literatura #escritores
#poeta #rimbaud #ia #fotografias #fotografia #inteligenciaartificial #articulos #bulos #falsificaciones #fotosvirales #poesia #poesiafrancesa #literatura #escritores
#Introduction I am into music and cats and books and poetry and some movies and even less TV. I am all the left things: smash the state, BLM, trans lives matter, why aren't we setting things on fire? I am such a sucker for a pretty face.
If I follow you don't feel obligated to follow me. I'm a pretty niche person.
I love you so so much.
Hashtags: #punk #vinyl #classical #rimbaud #Canada #midwest #expat #ass #nsfw #old #love
#introduction #punk #vinyl #classical #rimbaud #canada #midwest #expat #ass #nsfw #old #love
Les fleurs du mal: il capolavoro letterario di Baudelaire
Pensando alla letteratura francese dell’Ottocento, la prima figura che verrebbe in mente ad un medio lettore, nel 90% dei casi è quella di Charles Pierre Baudelaire. Ma perché proprio Baudelaire? Perché la sua figura ha ormai subito una canonizzazione all’interno dei vari sistemi scolastici europei e da
#ArteeCultura #Campana #poesia #rimbaud
La vestale di Rimbaud
I giorni fragili di Arthur Rimbaud di Philippe Besson è un capolavoro nel quale si raccontano gli ultimi strazianti giorni del grande poeta francese.
🔗 https://www.paroleglbt.info/2023/03/la-vestale-di-rimbaud.html
#LGBT #rimbaud #letteratura #besson
Dino Campana: il dissidio del male
Dino Campana fu l’unico ed inimitabile rappresentante, seppur con qualche anno di ritardo, del maledettismo poetico francese, per intenderci quello di Rimbaud e Baudelaire, in Italia. A partire dagli inizi del 1937, Campana è stato e lo è ancora più di prima, il poeta unico e straordinario, esempio inimitabile di pathos poetico mescolato ed ine
#ArteeCultura #letteratura #poesia #rimbaud
RT @Maskloff@twitter.com
#BlocusChallenge destiné à la jeunesse n'est pas du goût des #Macronistes. C'est pourtant de l'innovation dans l'action revendicative. La politique de papa, c'est ringard. "Faut être absolument moderne" disait #Rimbaud.
#blocuschallenge #macronistes #rimbaud
#BlocusChallenge destiné à la jeunesse n'est pas du goût des #Macronistes. C'est pourtant de l'innovation dans l'action revendicative. La politique de papa, c'est ringard. "Faut être absolument moderne" disait #Rimbaud.
#blocuschallenge #macronistes #rimbaud
daevid allen drew a map… and it's filled with links! #DaevidAllen #surrealism #futurism #dada #AlfredJarry #Rimbaud #ErnMalley #Leunig #RobertBly #psychedelia https://planetgong.co.uk/outland/surrealism/map.html
#daevidallen #surrealism #futurism #dada #alfredjarry #rimbaud #ernmalley #leunig #robertbly #psychedelia
"Genug gesehen. Die Vision hat sich in allen Weisen gezeigt. / Genug gehabt. Geräusche der Städte, abends, und in der Sonne, und immer. / Genug gekannt. Die Halte des Lebens. - O Geräusche und Visionen! / Aufbruch in neue Liebe und neuen Lärm!"
Rimbaud, Départ
“Jadis, si je me souviens bien, ma vie était un festin où s'ouvraient tous les coeurs, où tous les vins coulaient.”
“Once upon a time, if I remember rightly, my life was a banquet where all hearts opened and all wines flowed.”
Norman Cameron’s translation of #Rimbaud ‘s “Une saison en enfer” started my live long love of Rimbaud. I love the selection of poems he chose, too. #poetry #books
"And from then on I bathed in the Poem
Of the Sea, infused with stars and lactescent,
Devouring the azure verses; where, like a pale elated
Piece of flotsam, a pensive drowned figure sometimes sinks"
Rimbaud, man. How could I write a whole article on representations of the deep sea w/o reading this?
guess i got to hashtag everything here?
#Poetry #océans #rimbaud
"And from then on I bathed in the Poem
Of the Sea, infused with stars and lactescent,
Devouring the azure verses; where, like a pale elated
Piece of flotsam, a pensive drowned figure sometimes sinks"
Rimbaud, man. How could I write a whole article on representations of the deep sea w/o reading this?
guess i got to hashtag everything here?
#Poetry #océans #rimbaud
In the rear view mirror.
Episode 1 – 1999
Interactive installation ›Vowels‹
The sonett ›Vowels‹ by the French poet, Arthur Rimbaud, explores the fundamental elements of language. The installation was presented during the first ›body as interface‹ exhibition in 1999. #bodyasinterface #mediaart #rimbaud #installation #typography #typoanimation #type #vowels #jillscott #bauhaus #weimar @typo.social
Video excerpt on my website:
#bodyasinterface #mediaart #rimbaud #installation #typography #typoanimation #type #vowels #jillscott #bauhaus #weimar
¡Hola! #IntegracionBooktodon #Booktodon
Mis hábitos de lectura son muy irregulares, regidos por arranques de leer un chingo, seguidos por meses de leer poco más que twitter (¡Nunca más!). Mis gustos son variados, con debilidad por los malditismos 🙏 #Rimbaud 🙏 , pero igual leo #terror o #cienciaficción. Luego me da por leer intratables que de seguir con vida ya hubieran cancelado. Desde el año pasado no he actualizado mi goodreads (¡Nunca más! ?), anexo mis lecturas predilectas del 2021.
#cienciaficción #terror #rimbaud #booktodon #IntegracionBooktodon
JEAN NICOLAS ARTHUR #Rimbaud (20 de octubre de 1854 - 10 de noviembre de 1891)
JEAN NICOLAS ARTHUR #Rimbaud (20 de octubre de 1854 - 10 de noviembre de 1891)