As a surprise for completing (the printed contents of) the Rime of the Frostmaiden, I commissioned a party ~portrait of The Crystal Kobolds disposing of the corpse of an undead abomination outside their adopted hometown of Termalaine
artwork by @qelricdk
#art #rimeofthefrostmaiden #dnd
Months of foreshadowing paid off beautifully when this thaluud cornered the party and expressed its displeasure that they destroyed a magic object it wanted to protect
Many thanks to @mz4250 for the fantastically creepy tomb tapper model! The terrain is the fantastic cut stone OpenForge set
Večeras dugo očekivani session #dnd sa ekipom pred kojom je velika odluka. Da li da pokušaju spasiti 10 gradova Icewind Dale-a od napada magičnog zmaja ili izvršiti napad na tiranina koji je pustio zmaja na gradove. #icewinddale #rimeofthefrostmaiden #dungeonsanddragons #rpg
#rpg #dungeonsanddragons #rimeofthefrostmaiden #icewinddale #dnd