Ring: Ooh, ooh, there's someone at your mum's door!
Me: OK, wait, I'm coming
Ring: Quick, quick, there's someone outside, hurry!
Me: Jeez, OK, I'm opening the app
Ring: OK, great, cos she's a vulnerable old lady & you need to monitor this shit.
This Guy was trying to break into this house #ring #ringdoorbell #ringcamera #blink #blinkdoorbell #blinkcamera #crime #crimes #crimestory
#ring #ringdoorbell #ringcamera #blink #blinkdoorbell #blinkcamera #crime #crimes #crimestory
Package stolen:
Lady in black SUV came and stole 2 packages while my family and I were out at work, stay alert if you have packages being delivered #ringdoorbell #blinkdoorbell #crimes #crimestory
#ringdoorbell #blinkdoorbell #crimes #crimestory
📬 Amazon liefert Daten ohne Gerichtsbeschluss an deutsche Polizei
#Datenschutz #Amazon #Dringlichkeitsantrag #EdMarkey #JensZimmermann #RingDoorbell #RingKamera #StefanBrink https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/datenschutz/amazon-liefert-daten-ohne-gerichtsbeschluss-an-deutsche-polizei-256042.html
#stefanbrink #Ringkamera #ringdoorbell #jenszimmermann #edmarkey #Dringlichkeitsantrag #amazon #datenschutz
Ring Mandates 2FA After Rash of Hacks - Ring outlined new security and data privacy measures, Tuesday, following backlash of the connected... more: https://threatpost.com/ring-mandates-2fa-hacks/152971/ #twofactorauthentication #thirdpartydatasharing #datasecurity #ringdoorbell #dataprivacy #dataabuse #ringhack #privacy #hacks #ring #iot #2fa
#2fa #iot #ring #hacks #privacy #ringhack #dataabuse #dataprivacy #ringdoorbell #datasecurity #thirdpartydatasharing #twofactorauthentication
4 Ring Employees Fired For Spying on Customers - Ring said that four employees were fired because they for inappropriate access to customers' conne... more: https://threatpost.com/four-ring-employees-fired-spying/151689/ #employeefiring #ringdoorbell #dataprivacy #ringprivacy #security #privacy #amazon #ring #iot
#iot #ring #amazon #privacy #security #ringprivacy #dataprivacy #ringdoorbell #employeefiring
Ring Plagued by Security Issues, Flood of Hacks - A Motherboard report found Ring lacking basic security measures for preventing hackers from hijack... more: https://threatpost.com/ring-plagued-security-issues-hacks/151263/ #motherboardinvestigation #loginattempts #passwordreuse #smartdoorbell #ringdoorbell #privacy #amazon #hacker #hacks #ring #iot
#iot #ring #hacks #hacker #amazon #privacy #ringdoorbell #smartdoorbell #passwordreuse #loginattempts #motherboardinvestigation