Happy belated, Mr. 83 year old. You stay young cuz you bang on the drums all day.
#NowPlaying Bang On The Drum All Day
#ringo #nowplaying #RingoStarr
✌️ & ♥️
Today is my little sidekick Wolfgang's 8th birthday (though he's not that little anymore). #Dachshund
It's also the 83rd birthday of some guy named Ringo Starr who wants us all to say #PEACE & #LOVE at noon today, wherever we are. #Ringo
So for Wolfie and Sir Ringo, PEACE & LOVE, PEACE & LOVE!
✌️ & ♥️
#dachshund #peace #love #ringo
happy birthday #ringo, whose twitter account might have been the sweetest, purest thing to emerge from the social media ooze, the cuddly accompanying flipside to the truth-to-power access twitter offered. is there a term/phrase for mega-celebrities who guilelessly run their own accounts, add lots of emoji, post uncropped photos that reveal mundane stuff about their personal lives, etc.?
I'm not a drum nerd but for those of you who are, this seems like a pretty cool and fun quiz to take
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3KM6Ue2aWw&ab_channel=DavidBennettPiano #music #TheBeatles #Ringo #drums
#drums #ringo #thebeatles #Music
罪と罰 / 椎名林檎 カバー【歌まね】歌ってみた https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1679193/celebrity/
#Celebrities #Celebrity #cover #Ringo #Vlog #カバー歌まね歌ってみた #椎名林檎 #歌ってみた #罪と罰
#celebrities #celebrity #cover #ringo #vlog #カバー歌まね歌ってみた #椎名林檎 #歌ってみた #罪と罰
Hoshino resorts Aomoriya hotel. Aomori Japan https://www.alojapan.com/743555/hoshino-resorts-aomoriya-hotel-aomori-japan/
This channel uploads videos introducing luxury hotels in Japan. Please subscribe to our channel if you like.
#Aomori #Aomoridestinations #Aomoritour #Aomoritravel #Aomoritrip #Aomorivacation #hoshino #HoshinoResorts #hotel #Japan #RINGO #青森
#aomori #aomoridestinations #aomoritour #aomoritravel #aomoritrip #aomorivacation #hoshino #hoshinoresorts #hotel #japan #ringo #青森
椎名林檎 – IT WAS YOU https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1644068/celebrity/
#Celebrities #Celebrity #EMI #HD #incidentstokyo #japan #LIVE #Lyrics #Music #MV #PV #Records #Ringo #ROCK #Sheena #SheenaRingo #shiinaringo #siinaringo #tokyoincidents #tokyojihen #universal #Vlog #YouTube #オフィシャル #コンサート #しいなりんご #ジャパン #ビデオ #ミュージック #ユニバーサル #ようつべ #ライブ #事変 #新曲 #最新 #東京 #東京事変 #林檎 #椎名 #椎名林檎 #歌詞 #歌詞入り #熱愛発覚中 #高画質
#records #INCIDENTSTOKYO #live #lyrics #sheena #sheenaringo #tokyoincidents #universal #vlog #youtube #オフィシャル #ユニバーサル #ようつべ #ライブ #椎名 #椎名林檎 #歌詞 #ringo #新曲 #最新 #東京 #歌詞入り #熱愛発覚中 #高画質 #siinaringo #celebrities #celebrity #emi #hd #japan #music #mv #pv #rock #shiinaringo #TokyoJihen #コンサート #しいなりんご #ジャパン #ビデオ #ミュージック #事変 #東京事変 #林檎
SEBADAVA MAINEBION / RINGO SISTERS https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1640817/celebrity/
#Aomori #Celebrities #Celebrity #hirosaki #japan #JapaneseIdole #MAINEBION #Metal #rapper #rhyming #Ringo #RINGOMUSUME #ringosisters #ROCK #SEBADAVA #sebadavamainebion #Sisters #Vlog #セバダバマイネビョン #リンゴシスターズ #りんご娘? #弘前市 #津軽弁 #王林・りんご娘 #蘋果女孩 #青森県
#aomori #celebrity #hirosaki #rock #SEBADAVA #sebadavamainebion #sisters #vlog #セバダバマイネビョン #リンゴシスターズ #りんご娘 #弘前市 #japan #JapaneseIdole #MAINEBION #metal #rapper #rhyming #ringo #RINGOMUSUME #ringosisters #津軽弁 #王林 #蘋果女孩 #青森県 #celebrities
What Startups Can Learn from Ringo: Back Drummers not Lead Guitarists - For most of my life, I’d heard and even believed Beatles drummer Ringo Starr wasn’... - https://readwrite.com/what-startups-can-learn-from-ringo-back-drummers-not-lead-guitarists/ #entrepreneurs #pocketleader #readwrite #startups #drummers #ringo
#ringo #drummers #startups #readwrite #pocketleader #entrepreneurs
Crowdsourcing Mornings: Ringo – The Water Bottle That Magnetically Holds Your Phone
Welcome to the Crowdsourcing Mornings segment! Every weekday morning, Geek Alabama talks about and fe
#CrowdsourcingMorningsStuff #Crowdsourcing #CrowdsourcingCampaign #CrowdsourcingMornings #CrowdsourcingProject #Indiegogo #Kickstarter #Ringo-TheWaterBottleThatMagneticallyHoldsYourPhone
#crowdsourcingmorningsstuff #crowdsourcing #crowdsourcingcampaign #crowdsourcingmornings #crowdsourcingproject #indiegogo #kickstarter #ringo
Where were you when Lucy was in the sky with diamonds? #John #Paul #GeorgeSantos and #Ringo
#ringo #georgesantos #paul #john
#こみつ #料理 #自炊 #朝ごはん #朝食 #japanesecooking #rice #aamiainen #breakfast #りんご #ringo #apple
It's worth noting that #PlymouthCityCouncil #PCC have changed the numbering scheme for #Ringo parking. E.g. 16993 on the Barbican is now 16995 in some places. Also the prices have gone up.
#plymouthcitycouncil #pcc #ringo #plymouth