Por cierto, a mí me encantó el "Dr. Manhattan" (por llamarlo de alguna manera) de la serie de Watchmen, y sigo sin entender por qué causa tanta aversión la escena de Hulka haciendo twerking. Copón bendito, que es lo más "accurate" que se puede hacer con el personaje.
#SheHulk #Watchmen #TheMandalorian #RingsofPower #racismo #strike
#SheHulk #watchmen #themandalorian #ringsofpower #racismo #strike
Quitando el hecho de que un artista debería cobrar dignamente, independientemente de cómo se considere el resultado, me llama la atención la "CASUALIDAD" de que todos los ejemplos tienen a mujer y/o gente no-caucásica.
¡Es que tremenda casualidad, oye!
#SheHulk #Watchmen #TheMandalorian #RingsofPower #racismo #strike
#SheHulk #watchmen #themandalorian #ringsofpower #racismo #strike
Just posted a YouTube Short, my thoughts on which TV series is doing the better job, The Wheel of Time or The Rings of Power. Do you agree with my take? #WoT #LOTR #TheWheelOfTime #RingsOfPower #PrimeVideo https://youtube.com/shorts/UPkRT2GQSuI
#wot #lotr #thewheeloftime #ringsofpower #primevideo
Today is Sunday, the 22nd day of Afterlithe by Shire-reckoning.
Today is Hevensday, the 4th day of Afterlithe by Shire-reckoning.
An idea has been gnawing away at the back of my mind like a persistent thought-weevil:
What if Naughty Dog remade the 1992 Mega Drive/Genesis RPG Rings of Power?
It’s mainly because I’d like to hear new versions of the earwormable music score, but also because I think it had a reasonable premise and world at the time.
Of course, the Thanos Sauron comparisons are easier to spot these days…
#videogames #ringsofpower #sega
Today is Hevensday, the 22nd day of Forelithe by Shire-reckoning.
I've said this before, but y'all, the #RingsOfPower soundtrack is SO GOOD. I adore PJ's LOTR & been obsessively listening to the soundtracks since they were released. I wasn't sure I'd be able to get into a Middle Earth that didn't sound like that but I was sold immediately and the soundtrack is its own kind of amazing.
I woke up this morning with Galadriel's theme from #RingsOfPower stuck in my head for no obvious reason. It took me a second to identify it, but it's been very solidly stuck there the whole time I've been awake. Guess I know which soundtrack to put on for work today :GrinLotje:
#LOTR: #RingsOfPower Season 2 Will See A Very Different #Galadriel https://is.gd/HDvQKl
#lotr #ringsofpower #galadriel
Today is Sterday, the 4th day of Forelithe by Shire-reckoning.
Today is Hevensday, the 1st day of Forelithe by Shire-reckoning.
Today is Sunday, the 14th day of Thrimidge by Shire-reckoning.
The map I am drawing/painting on the library ceiling is finally finished in pencil. Painting with acrylic paint pens has begun. Place names will be red, water blue, other features in black. Forests will be brushed in dark green. Here is a pic of the ceiling after pencil work is complete and a separate pic of Mirkwood taking shape in paint. #tolkien #tolkienart #tolkienmap #art #middleearth #RingsOfPower
#tolkien #tolkienart #tolkienmap #art #middleearth #ringsofpower
Byrjuðum að horfa á #RingsOfPower um daginn
Var að fatta að við kláruðum ekki seríuna, þrátt fyrir að hún hafi öll verið komin út þegar við byrjuðum
Býst við að við höfum ekki verið mjög spennt fyrir þessu
So, I'm watching the first 2 episodes of season 2 of #ShadowAndBone, and I am still struck by how the this show with obviously a lower budget looks so much better than #RingsOfPower and #WheelOfTime. What is going on with Amazon? And why do they hate good sets and wardrobes?
#shadowandbone #ringsofpower #wheeloftime
Today is Sunday, the 23rd day of Astron by Shire-reckoning.
Today is Highday, the 21st day of Astron by Shire-reckoning.